Justice Society of America #17

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Fernando Pasarin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 9, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 5
7.6Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Gog continues granting seemingly impossible aid to members of the Justice Society, but under worrisome, controversial means. Granted their heart's desires, what changes are on the horizon for the JSA? And what happens when Gog decides to end war--by any means necessary?

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 10, 2008

    It took a while, but JSA seems to be back on track after the slow and fillerlike Thy Kingdom Come issues and Gog's creepy smile still gives me nightmares. Can't wait to see where this goes in upcoming issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Erik Norris Jul 11, 2008

    Though I still feel the first arc of this epic over-arching storyline, Thy Kingdom Come, ran a bit long without proper resolution, Gog is already started to deliver the payoff of the entire epic by its second installment. The scope has been turned up to 11, at least, and Gog looks to be aiming at really shaking up the status quo of the Justice Society, and maybe even the entire DC Universe. Lets just hope Geoff Johns and Alex Ross stomach is as big as their appetites and the story doesnt fizzle out by carrying on for too long and drowning out the momentum. Justice Society of America #17 is a perfect example of the type of superhero comics I look for today; ones whose emphasis is delivering a sense of epic simply through rock solid characterization. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jul 12, 2008

    Justice Society of America #17 was an excellent read. Johns is delivering such a well crafted story arc on this title. The only readers who may not enjoy this issue are readers who demand action in their comic books and prefer fast paced reads. For everyone else, I would recommend giving this title a try. Johns has certainly done his best to make the JSA one of the top reads on the market. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 9, 2008

    I'll admit I didn't even realize Dale Eaglesham was off the book last month. That's how closely Fernando Pesarin resembles his style. Now that I know I can see certain differences. Pesarin has a tendency to draw his characters as fatties. Everyone seems to sport a size 52 waist. On the other hand, Pesarin has a great knack for facial expressions. Overall the the differences balance out, and Justice Society of America continues to look good. And now that it reads well again, I'm a happy JSA fan. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Jul 15, 2008

    It's rare to see a mainstream superhero comic deal so explicitly with religion, but Johns doesn't preach any particular doctrine. He seems more interested in exploring notions of faith and power and wish-fulfillment than he does in trying to promote or undermine anyone's belief system. In the previous "JSA" series, Johns emphasized Mr. Terrific's lack of faith -- the character was one of the few avowed atheists in comics, maybe the only one. In a DC Universe in which Heaven and Hell literally exist and gods and demons walk the Earth, it's difficult to maintain an atheistic outlook, and in this issue, Mr. Terrific admits that he has seen things science cannot explain and though he wishes he could believe in a higher power, he cannot. "Something inside won't let me," he says. It's difficult to read this as a pro-religion moment, since in Mr. Terrific's world, higher powers clearly exist, and he's silly to pretend they don't. And the insularity of Johns's exploration -- the idea tha Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 17, 2008

    This issue builds the tension nicely, with Gog's repeated acts of healing making it harder and harder to think that something bad is going to happen, even though we KNOW that it will. The team is starting to take sides, as well, with JSAers on both sides of the "Is he is, or is he ain't the devil?" conundrum. The art is very good as well, with Fernando Pasarin giving us well-defined characters with real emotions, and even imbuing the stone-faced Gog with real personality. Geoff Johns really nails his story points here, as we finally really get rolling into the meat of this story, and making Superman-KC feel relevant as more than just a "ZOMG!", something I've been whining for since roughly March... The pacing works for me, and the ominous tone of it all clicks as well. Justice Society of America #17 is a well-crafted issue,easily earning an impressive3.5 out of 5 stars... Read Full Review

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