WILL THE ATOM PROJECT TEAR ITSELF APART? On the run and out of allies, Captain Atom is forced to take a desperate step into his own past in search of assistance. At the same time, Ray and Ryan's latest experiment puts them at odds and could lead to disastrous consequences for all those on board the Watchtower. As the metahuman arms race with the terrorist group known as INFERNO escalates, dissent in the ranks of the Justice League's Atom Project must be quelled before catastrophe overtakes the planet!
This series got off to a slightly slow start, but it's been a great ride as it digs into how paranoid the concept of superpowers would actually make people, and how susceptible the whole thing would be to corruption. Read Full Review
Overall, Justice League: The Atom Project #3 is a solid installment that continues to build on the intriguing premise of the series. The exploration of Captain Atom's past and the growing conflict within the Justice League make for a compelling read. While the pacing can be a bit uneven, the issue effectively sets the stage for future conflicts and raises the stakes for the characters involved. Read Full Review
Three issues in and the structure style hampers what should be a pay-off in waiting. The writing hones in on the painful saga of Captain Atom. Each panel mirrors the deadly grind to solve this overbearing dilemma. Once the closing page hits, readers are left with a showdown that will either make or break the project. The choice is theirs. Read Full Review
A secret revealed could further split the Atom Project. The Atoms are hunting down Captain Atom, and we learn why, but does General Eiling know this secret, too? Will he force the military to get Captain Atom at any cost? Why is Ray Palmer acting the way he is? Many questions arise with little answer from the project as the issue ends with a potential showdown that has been long awaited. Read Full Review