Justice League: Rise and Fall #1
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Justice League: Rise and Fall #1

Writer: Jt Krul Artist: Diogenes Neves Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 10, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

  • 8.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Mar 17, 2010

    Over all, I think it was very well done. I don't like a lot of what happened in Cry For Justice, but I think Mr. Krul is doing a fine job with the pieces he's been left. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Mar 15, 2010

    Now, I know this fall can only go so far, so Im interested in seeing what will be the event where Ollie says enough is enough. Who will bring him back, and why will he stop? He cant be a bad guy forever, but for now I think this color suits the man. Im just as interested in seeing how Roy rises from the maiming. Will he go after his mentor? We do know for sure that he goes back to using the moniker Arsenal as opposed to Red Arrow. Maybe he doesnt want to be associated with what the old man has done anymore. Either way, fans of the Green Arrow Universe should be treated to a few good months of issues. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 10, 2010

    Krul does a good job of working with the situations and characters handed to him -- he performed marvelously in the "Blackest Night: Titans" series -- so I am interested to see how this continues to play out. At the end of the seven issues this story is going to play out in (this issue, the four-issue "Arsenal" series, as well as two issues of "Green Arrow"), I'd like to see a sea change in the DC Universe. If there's a big group hug at the end of this and Ollie is welcomed back with no consequences, I will be sorely unimpressed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis May 1, 2010

    The Justice League investigates the death of Prometheus and tries to capture Green Arrow his murderer. Can Green Arrow stay aloof for long? This issue, of course continues the story from the Justice League Cry for Justice mini-series where Star City was destroyed and Green Arrow committed a murder " ahem again. The whole story about Green Arrow killing a bad guy is ridiculous as he has been there and much further during the years Mike Grell wrote the character. In fact one of the crucial scene in the Green Arrow Longbow story that reintroduced the character to an adult readership, he murdered the torturer of his girlfriend, the Black Canary. So all of this story feels hollow to me and not as poignant as when Green Arrow first started killing people 20 years ago. Krull reminds me of A.J. Liebermans Martian Manhunter series. Both try to write groundbreaking tales about the characters they are responsible for, but all of their efforts fall short as a better creator has done the same and Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Mar 10, 2010

    In the end, Rise and Fall isn't as offensive as its parent miniseries, but it is almost as bad. When he's done trying to clean up Robinson's mess, Krul sends Ollie off to hunt more baddies with the JLA on his trail, and we're told to follow along in Green Arrow's ongoing. Sorry, JT, but I'll pass. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Mar 11, 2010

    In my review I mentioned an old saying about things that ain't broke, I'd like to supplement that with the old saying, "what's a good plate with nothing on it?" That about sums up this issue. JT Krul does solid character work here and I know that his talent is going to shine through the stories that have yet to come. Unfortunately, the storyline leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that even the quality of the writing craft can't overcome the content of the story. It's an ugly, dirty, disgusting story that honestly feels like a slap in the face to the people who love the character of Green Arrow and his supporting cast. Even though I'm sure everything will end up back at an acceptable status quo in the end, this isn't enjoyable or intriguing or exciting to me. As much as I love Green Arrow in the spotlight, I want the Green Arrow that I know and love, not the Emerald Punisher. Read Full Review

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