The devastating climax of last issue has the League scrambling for revenge! Only problem is, theyll need to get through millions of super-powered Kryptonians to get it!This issue features open-to-order variant covers by Joe Madureira that will be shipped in opaque polybags.
JLA: Justice League of America #7 returns this story arch to excitement. The issue moves the story forward in major ways and connects the dots from previous issues. The payoff is worth the wait. JLA: Justice League of America #7 asks big, ethical questions that leave one thinking long after the pages are closed. In doing so, however, it provides satisfying answers to plot questions and moves our heroes toward saving the day. I am eagerly awaiting the next episode. Read Full Review
So far, this has been a strong series (missed issue aside), and it's great to see the "classic" team (with Cyborg replacing the Martian Manhunter) unencumbered by continuity concerns - just like the classic series! Read Full Review
Bryan Hitch's Justice league epic really seems to have hits its stride as it approached the climax of the Rao conflict. That nagging sense that this story has been done before recedes as the JLA begin making their defiant stand against Rao. Read Full Review
Ultimately, it might take a read or two before you realize that very little actually takes place in this issue, other than the Leaguers preparing for battle or learning the secrets to Rao's immortality. But the fact that the plot progression is so minimal doesn't detract from Hitch's execution, which is head and shoulders above many of his Big Two cohorts. If this is a "slow" issue of Justice League of America, that can only mean great things are ahead for readers when this arc finally reaches its finale. Read Full Review
Hitch continues to produce incredible pencils. Specifically, I think he nails Superman as good as anyone Ive seen. This issue in particular possesses a handful of gorgeous shots that highlight his skill as well as the inks of Henriques and Currie and Sinclairs vibrant colors. The nearly full-page shot of the sun beaming down on Olympus powerfully exudes rich emotion which sets up the scene well. The scenes between Rao and the imprisoned Superman are worth the $3.99 cover price. Lastly, the handful of panels featuring Wonder Woman and Aquaman in Dianas weaponry rooms are such a joy to experience. The room with weapons previously owned by the likes of Apollo and Zeus are simply fantastic. Read Full Review
Both Geoff Johns Justice League and Bryan Hitchs Justice League of America are currently covering the same characters and the same concept, namely godhood. Yet for such seeming similarity, the two titles differ greatly. Admittedly, Hitchs opus lacks the continuity-wide consequences and cinematic set pieces, or even the fun and excitement of its counterpart. But its certainly meditative and demonstrates an acute understanding of the characters. Johns, Morrison, and many others have asked the question: what makes them gods? Hitch raises as much, but answers a more interesting inquiry: what makes them good? Read Full Review
It's clear that this issue is leading into a gigantic final showdown, and if Hitch's remit on this series was to tell giant stories with massive stakes on a huge canvass, you definitely feel him reaching for that, even if it does feel a bit bogged down by all the info it needs to get across. Read Full Review
More exposition heavy than I would've liked, this chapter of Justice League of America is still a solid read. It is one of the weaker chapters of this book, it does "rev up the JLA engines" to set-up what I'm hoping will be a slobber knocker between Rao and the Justice League. Read Full Review
When the first issue came out I was pretty excited about Hitch doing a big action packed Justice League series. Now at issue #7 I'm bailing out and putting this series on the back burner to get later, or maybe just get the trade. I think I'll like the story more as a whole, reading it all in one sitting; it's just not working for me in single issue format. Read Full Review
Justice League of America #7 does indeed reveal new information, but so sparsely that it nearly feels inconsequential, which is not a good feeling to have about a comic featuring the world's greatest superhero team. Read Full Review
If you found this story confusing before, well you haven't seen anything yet. So many things are thrown at you in this issue that it's a bit overwhelming and the fact that none of these things are really explained doesn't help with that overwhelming feel either. There's just too much going on between all our different Leaguers and more time travel elements were added here and the only reason I can really see is for all the readers to pull their hair out. While I'll say that the art for the most part is okay, there are certain scenes where I wish someone else was at the helm of the pencils. Read Full Review