A FOREVER EVIL tie-in! Survivors Martian Manhunter and Stargirl make a perilous trek across a Super-Villain occupied United States. Their first stop may be the last as they enter Gotham City and Clayface-occupied territory!
Justice League of America #11 was an exciting book that reveals yet another strong female character in DC's lineup. She's certainly grown on me since her debut. Whatever the future hold's for the character, I look forward to reading every moment of it. Despair continues in the next book as Stargirl is the one struggling to survive against Despero. Read Full Review
Overall then, a very enjoyable book, not by any means essential, but a welcome addition to the Forever Evil arc, moving the plot on, further developing the character of StarGirl and nicely setting up what is to happen next in this consistently rewarding long-term story arc. Read Full Review
This duo's road trip doesn't offer much in the grand scheme of things and isn't exactly must-reading for those following Forever Evil, but it has some great action, particularly in Gotham, and really nice artwork. It gets hard to follow once Stargirl begins having flashbacks, but I am enjoying the other scenes that develop the friendship between her and J'onn. Read Full Review
This storyline really needs a kick in the pants. It's had its moments, certainly, but the wheels seem to be spinning as JLA maintains pace with Forever Evil. Read Full Review
Justice League of America #11 makes a valiant attempt to continue Stargirl and Martian Manhunter's development, while juggling a tie in to 'Forever Evil'. The story suffers due to the constant leaps in perspective and focus. JLA #11"s saving grace is surprisingly beautiful and cohesive art, even with so many artists. Read Full Review
Even though this issue takes a jump in the right direction towards the end, the rest of the book stands still with giant monster fight, after giant monster fight. Normally this would be a fun thing, but when we're in the thick of this story arc, and nothing has really happened, that's an issue. (a problem, not a comic) But the book does impress with it's artwork, and the ability to make Stargirl look like a badass. I just really hope that this story arc picks up, and doesn't leave us disappointed in the end. Read Full Review
The ending leaves us with a cliffhanger that will definitely bring you back for more. The art team brings such a realistic vision of a world in complete chaos and the heroes trying to put it back together. The story might have been bumpy but it's still worth picking up. Read Full Review
Forever Evil has proven to be a detriment to this book. It is a shame , because Matt Kindt should be allowed more freedom to make the story his, but instead we are left with this two person team book. It feels like not only are the heroes stuck in a mind prison…but the series as well. Read Full Review
So, unfortunately, I found this issue strictly average. The writing was okay but choppy. Nothing about it really impressed me, but it was okay enough. I prefer Barrow's art style. It's sleek and energetic, forgiving the confusing Clayface fight. Derenick's art looks" well, just like Jerry Ordway's. There's nothing wrong with it, but" well, I'd never buy a book based on the fact that he drew it. Read Full Review
Maybe I'm just being way too nitpicky, but I guess it just seems like this series exists solely to get DC another 3.99 a month for a crossover book until it morphs into a completely different one under the pen of Jeff Lemire later this year. Forever Evil is great and, for the most part, I've been pretty happy with the crossovers. But this aspect of the story is officially tired. Let's move on and wrap things up. Because at this pace, we might actually see Stargirl fly around with a nagging Martian in her head for the rest of the event. Which would be expected, but still very disappointing to see. Read Full Review
The team-up between Stargirl and Martian Manhunter is entertaining and provides some fun, but is too short and appears to be an aside instead of a story. What would have been the crux of an issue of "Brave and the Bold" once upon a time is simply a plot device and fails to deliver any character development. This title certainly feels as though it has been shuffling its feet through the darkness of "Forever Evil," afraid of stepping on something or stubbing its toe, but more noticeably, it simply isn't getting anywhere with any speed. Instead of delivering stories worthy of the "Justice League of America" brand, this comic book is simply holding a spot on the shelves warm until something else shows up. I just hope whatever that "something else" is it brings more heart and character. Read Full Review