DON'T MISS THE EPIC CONCLUSION! After a battle with catastrophic consequences, Jenny must rebuild the defeated Captain Atom and through him the world. Will she do so in her own image or leave the 21st century well enough alone? All this and more in the unforgettable conclusion of the acclaimed miniseries!
That's the thing to go on this ride, you really need to be in sync both with what King is feeling about the world and with the strange cosmic vibe of the Wildstorm Universe. That makes it feel like by far the most personal book King has written since The Sherrif of Babylon, but it's worth going along for the ride. Read Full Review
Jenny Sparks #7 concludes this DC Black Label mini series with a poignant message about the world today, utilizing an anecdotal and direct approach to comment on what society can do better. Read Full Review
'Jenny Sparks' #7 is an important book for our times. It has big things to say and amazing art to accompany it. But it's brought down by platitudes and is too comfortable with the status quo to leave it for something brighter. Having it touch upon 21st-century tragedies is a brave effort that the book seems too afraid to go all the way. Read Full Review
Modern Tom King is a hit or miss. His story starts off strong, then it unravels with his constant use of expletive curse words and decompressed story with his dialogue not working. It's a shame because his old works like Mister Miracle, Omega Men and Vision showed he was a great writer. Tom King is still a greater writer, no doubt. But maybe he's not for me. Also, Jeff Spokes art doesn't impress me, I'm sorry