He-Man has come to his mother's home-world to save it from a despotic ruler: Superman! As Batman plans an invasion of the Oracle to stop their suicide squads from terrorizing the populace, He-Man wanders an Earth city (in disguise) hoping to understand more of the difficulty they'll face. Meanwhile, back on Eternia, Zatanna and Swamp Thing are horrified to discover that someone else from their universe has crossed over!
A beautifully heroic follow-up to last months debut issue, this one just keeps on giving! Read Full Review
Overall this book is a great read and I can't wait for the encounter between Superman and He-Man. However we have a captured Skeletor that's also been locked up in Superman's fortress. He's the one who's been locating magical items for Superman to lock up, however I feel that the depowered villain will somehow be the wild card in all of this. No one, including the Insurgency know of Skeletor's capture, and I believe his power would be invaluable against Superman. I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue! Read Full Review
I'm loving this book as it keeps going above and beyond my expectations. It's been a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how this team blows my away next issue. Read Full Review
Injustice vs Master of the Universe continues to steal my comic book heart with issue two picking right up where issue one left off. There's action, comedy, great storytelling, and some excellent callbacks to He-Man's past, even Orco gets a little hero play. If you need a book with a little of something for everyone, at any level of comic fandom, this might be a perfect match. Read Full Review
If you are an Injustice fan, He-Man fan, Seeley fan, or simply enjoy excitingly fun storytelling, this series is for you. Readers get Granny Goodness, Skeletor, Bane, Copperhead, and an evil Superman using Brainiac pre-cognitive technology to control and imprison the world. Read Full Review
The first of two oddball crossovers out this week from DC, this video game/cartoon team-up from Tim Seeley and Freddie Williams III continues to be a much more effective story than it has any right to be. Read Full Review
Overall this is one of those books I would recommend to readers my age with a nostalgic jones. I like the idea of seeing Darkseid and Skeletor in the same book, heck on the same page I hope, as they face He-Man and the Injustice Heroes. The idea is fun and Seeley seems to be having as much fun writing it as we are reading it, throw in Freddie Williams II fabulous art and you have a ticket for a sequential art roller-coaster. So if you have a few bucks left over after you grab your pull list stack definitely pick this one up. 4/5. Read Full Review
At the end of the day, your enjoyment of this series is going to depend greatly on just how much of a fan of each of the two properties you are. Theres a lot going on here that relies pretty heavily on fan service and nostalgia, and while the story on its own is solid enough, its pretty obvious that fans of He-Man or Injustice are going to get far more out of this series than those just picking it up out of curiosity. That said, theres something here for everyone, and Seeley and Williams are putting together a fast-paced, character-heavy sprint of a series that shows no sign of letting up over the next four issues. Well worth a look if you like your heroes ripped and your artwork stunning. Read Full Review
I have already praised Williams many times, but I have to do this again. Few artists would make such a complicated comic work. The best part is that one can feel the love he has for this franchise and how he tries to make it work with Injustice. I will argue that he is a better fit for the Masters than Injustice who usually is rendered in a slick and clean style. But the best thing is that the story moves, and moves, and moves. Read Full Review
Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe continues to be a bit of an imperfect union as Prince Adam and the residents of Eternia see the savageness and brutality of the Injustice universe's world firsthand. Read Full Review