“End Of The Line”
When Harley dozes off on a Coney Island-bound subway, she finds herself in a corner of the city she never imagined… the X Train, a pirate-filled locomotive sailing the troubled waters of New York’s underground!
Add Harley Quinn: Black + White + Red#8 to the stack of an already better than expected, totally delightful, and can't-miss series. Kibblesmith and Sauvage's Harley Quinn: Black + White + Red is a delight, visually engaging, and awash with energy and personality. Read Full Review
Uniquely enjoyable artwork, wacky circumstances and a wonderful characterization of Harley herself all work to make Harley Quinn Black + White + Red #8 of the best entries in the series yet, capturing the heart and fun that has made Harley one of the most endearing characters on shelves today. Read Full Review
It's not surprising that I enjoyed Harley Quinn: Black + White + Red Chapter Eight. Not knowing the specific story, just the creative team, I knew I was going into something I'd like. But, what Kibblesmith and Sauvage deliver is an homage to so much of the pop culture I consumer and hold dear. It's a connect the dots of things I enjoy. It's another winner for DC and their DC Digital First program. Not only is it a fun comic but it's yet another stand-alone comic anyone can pick up and enjoy. It's also yet another example of what you're able to do creatively with Harley Quinn. Read Full Review
Harley + Black + White + Red #8 is a wonderful mashup of classic and not-so-classic tropes. From the "Is this a dream?" to the "Twelve Labours of Hercules" and the aforementioned destination of the Yellow Brick Road, "End of the Line" plops Harley into a surreal world of myth and legend. Everyone knows that another world awakens when the sun goes down, but what really happens can only be explained by those who experience it. Read Full Review
There's been a lot of different stories told across this run so far and all have their place. This one goes for a kind of surreal dream-like aspect that just didn't connect for me all that much, unfortunately. I adore the artwork and the gags within it definitely have their place but there's not much here beyond that, which definitely makes me sad because Sauvage brings some really great stuff out in the artwork. I love the use of the red with the black and white as there are just neat moments and ways of getting in there with it that delight. It's a good bit of visual storytelling but it's light on actual story. Read Full Review