Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad: April Fool's Special #1
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Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad: April Fool's Special #1

Writer: Rob Williams Artist: Jim Lee Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 6, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 14
7.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel, M.D., welcomes you to Evil Anonymous, the support group for super villains in need; where no problem is too insane or homicidal, and where discretion is assured as only a clown princess of crime can-which is to say, not at all. But when Harley Quinn starts using her patients' own evil schemes against them, it turns out that a much bigger, far more dangerous, and truly life-altering joke is being played on her.

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Apr 6, 2016

    Humorous and light with great art that delivers a very fun read for Harley and comic book fans alike. The fact that it ends tying into a bigger story makes this a must read. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 6, 2016

    Combining all this with a shockingly well-thought twist that really sums up the new mission of the Suicide Squad, and you've got yourself a real winner with Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad: April Fool's Special #1. It's clear from the trailers of the film that Harley Quinn is likely going to get the same public awareness boost as Wonder Woman did once the Suicide Squad movie kicks off, and I honestly think she's the easiest character to alienate people with, so the fact that Williams, Lee and Galloway did justice to her gives me high hopes for the rest of the team. DC Comics has put out a lot of big - and most importantly, high-quality - books out this week, but if I had to pick just one to buy, it would definitely be this one. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Comicsverse - Kay Honda Apr 8, 2016

    Harley Quinn's current permutation in this one-shot, as well as in her ongoing series, shows not only the likable fun of her character, but also the depth. She's not just a crazy, fun psychopath borne out of the Joker's machinations. She's her own three-dimensional character with fears, passions, and motivations. Everything that Harley Quinn is about"mental health, identity, acceptance, and sometimes just having fun"is beautifully cohesive in Rob Williams' story. What else could you ask for? Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Jul 28, 2016

    It's an extremely bold comic, and isn't afraid to make some crazy choices throughout. The pinnacle of the issue for us? Harley headbutting Batman and breaking his nose. Fantastic. It's such a brilliantly-Harley thing to do, the writers certainly have her character written perfectly. It's quite possibly that Harley Quinn & the Suicide Squad#1could be the start of a hidden gem in DC Comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 6, 2016

    You can't really go wrong when a comic promises a new Harley Quinn adventure drawn by Jim Lee. This issue has that to offer, but also an equally appealing segment rendered by Sean Galloway and a generally entertaining (if somewhat disjointed) script by Rob Williams. If this is what we can expect from the new Suicide Squad comic during DC Rebirth, things are looking up for the troubled team of villains. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Mr. H Apr 7, 2016

    Sure the jokes might have been about as subtle as being hit with a wooden mallet over the the head and a little on the nose, but hey that's not always a bad thing. We're all a little bit damaged in some way and sometimes its just nice to sit back and be part of this imperfect world. After all it takes all kinds" first step is to admit it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Virginia Apr 14, 2016

    The overall joke is the irony of a super-villain psychiatrist treating other super-villains with the hope of curing them. No matter how hard Harley tries, she can't be anything other than bad. The Joker knows this (with his brief appearance), the audience knows it, and Harley eventually knows it. However, it's still fun to play along with the idea, especially since it's an April Fool's Special. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Apr 6, 2016

    In short, come for Harley, stay for the Squad. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Apr 6, 2016

    Here's a sneak peek at the new Suicide Squad (not to be confused with the New Suicide Squad) that will be coming with DC's Rebirth in June. Looks pretty good so far. The story is a little weird, even by Rob Williams' standards, and the art by Jim Lee and Sean "Cheeks" Galloway is superb. You just never want to say it any other way. Sean "Cheeks" Galloway. I'm sure his friends call him "Cheeks," but if I ever met him I would say "Hello Mr. Sean 'Cheeks' Galloway, I am a big fan of your art and an even bigger fan of your name." And then he would say "Would you be quiet? We're at a funeral." And I'd stand up all indignant and yell like, "Well! Look who's too fancy to talk to fans! Look who's so big and famous now!" And then I could collect the corpse from the coffin and storm off in a huff. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Apr 13, 2016

    Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad's April Fool's Special is a wacky romp throughout Gotham City that provides its fair share of laughs. Just when you think you've got it figured out, you get a twist, followed by another twist, and you're left with a conclusion that will leave you hungry for Rebirth's Suicide Squad. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    DC Comics News - Paul DePaola Apr 10, 2016

    It's April Fools' all right, and Harley's special issue for that is a perfect fit. We are never quite sure how much of the book is just in her head, or how much really happenedif any of it. An odd choice to wrap up an otherwise very fun issue. The contrasting art styles between Lee and Galloway give the book a fun twist, and I love that it takes the entire Justice League to stop Harley once she gets going. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Gerry Green Apr 7, 2016

    I know that this is supposed to be a silly April Fools issue and I shouldn't be taking it all too seriously, but this issue just didn't gel for me. I'm not a fan of Suicide Squad so I'm not sure if all of Amanda Waller's plans are this unlikely to succeed and I hate to think that this is going to be the start of a story arc for the Squad. The only reason I am not going to really slam this title's rating is because of Jim Lee's Man-Bat panels which I've been looking at over and over. But I didn't really enjoy the story or the five dollar cover price. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 8, 2016

    I'm hopeful that the little glimpse we see at the end of "Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fool's Special" #1 bodes well for what's still to come, but -- due to its brevity it -- it never quite shifts into "you must read this" territory. That's a shame, because this could have quickly transformed "Suicide Squad" #1 into a must-purchase. In the end, this is just alright, but I wish that either portion of this book felt a little more confident in tone. The humor isn't quite funny enough, and the grimmer section comes and goes in the blink of an eye. With all eyes on "Suicide Squad" thanks to the upcoming movie, this needs to be more than just average. Here's hoping for something well above average the next time around. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Apr 12, 2016

    It's interesting to get a peek at DC's plans for a team that's about to get more media attention that it ever has had but Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fool's Day Special #1 isn't a compelling presentation. It's a book that would have been better if it had focused on being a charming, funny one-shot, or a preview of things to come, but it tries to split the two in a way that weakens everything it presents. The ending sets an interesting idea for Amanda Waller's team but it's far from worth paying the $4.99 cover price for those last 8 pages. Read Full Review

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