BEEP BORP. HARLEYTRON-666 REPORTING FOR DOODIE. Jus’ kiddin’, kittens! It’s me, ya gorl, Harleen Eucalyptus Tree Quinzel, alive and kicking. Speaking of kicking, I’m fighting for my life over here against Brother Eye and his dang O.M.A.C.s! Maybe you could help a gal out and lend some muscle of your own? How about it? Oh yeah, also my estranged siblings Alexis Quasarano and Steve Beach are getting out their buttslayer greatswords and axes to tell the ab-rippling tale of HARLEY THE BARBARIAN.
I'm not as sold on the larger plot involving Brother Eye, who has a surprising agenda for Harley, but the issue as a whole has some great moments. Read Full Review
Harley Quinn #36 has so many wonderful things about it; the artwork, the dream story, and the emotional ka-pow. I look forward to discovering what's next for our troupe. It's been a pleasure seeing the entire creative team showcasing their best work. Read Full Review
We are back in Gotham, but the narrative is bloated and breathless. Read Full Review
There's still too much reliance on the idea of Harley defined by being wild and crazy for this story to work. Read Full Review