Well, here I am trying to convince this talking rabbit not to kill...wait. What?! Ivy's home?! Aw crap--I gotta clean up the apartment and hide all the plants I ruined. Maybe I should hire a bunch of sexy apartment cleaners? Eh, Ivy would probably want to be here for that... Okay, it's up to you, Bud and Lou! Eat all the trash! Go, go, go, go, my babies! Plus, it's the anime event of the century as I dream about my life as the protagonist of a mecha story! Time ta get in the freakin' robot!
If there were a question, a hesitance, a pondering on whether you should be reading this series, then Harley Quinn #31 solves it. There are so many aspects to the character's multi-faceted personality that are placed in the perfect light to exemplify why readers fall in love with her. Next issue promises to be exciting and a tasty treat to enjoy, so there's time to catch up, if you haven't already. Read Full Review
Harley Quinn #31 brings the adventure home. The sudden stop in the situation may cause whiplash, but the energy of the comic never ceases to amaze. Read Full Review
Final ThoughtsThough the ending was frustrating, the rest of Harley Quinn #31 was great fun, finishing Harleys journey to Earth-26 and bringing her back to Earth-Prime and into Poison Ivys arms. Its action-packed, with some great character moments and art. Recommended. Read Full Review
This hilarious and surprisingly coherent narrative features a dizzying array of events ranging from a meeting with the cartoon hero from Earth-26 to a near apocalyptic disaster. Read Full Review
Harley has been all over the place in the past few years. Howard might be having fun with throwing Harley into some weird journey through various different worlds, but its really, really difficult to do that with Harley in a way that feels fresh or new. Shes had some very big conflicts that have hit the page in a number of different ways, and Howard simply isnt putting anything in front of Harley that readers havent already seen before. This compromises the wild irreverence of Harleys energy. As the issue opens, it DOES feel like anything could happen. Its just a little hard to engage with the energy as a reader at this stage. Read Full Review
This series is maybe trying to do a little too much, but even if it comes off as overly chaotic, it's a good time every issue. Read Full Review
Tini Howard continues a mostly harmless, yet nonsensical run with Harley Quinn here. I still don't believe continuing with a mediocre ongoing series is going to help Harley's character though. What would it take for DC to take a break from giving the character a solo series? Because I think giving the character LESS exposure would actually do her good right now. Read Full Review
This is very much all over the place and chaotic and while that is accurate to Harley as a character in broad strokes, this isn't really working in terms of larger storytelling. Read Full Review
Hartley Quinn #31 is a mess in both the writing and the art. There are seeds of sweetness within the personal character interactions, but the structure is awful. Likewise, the art looks "pretty," but the design choices and fight choreography are amateurish. Read Full Review
Harley Quinn #31 remains an extremely weak book right now. Perhaps the next arc will treat Harley and her relationships with the seriousness they deserve. Read Full Review