Kyle and the New Guardians are trapped between XHal and the Godkillers! Both have the power to destroy dozens of planetsso how does Kyle choose who to stop first?
Justin Jordan and Brad Walker are killing it with this title and each issue seems even better than the last! The Green Lantern titles as a whole have been so solid that it goes back and forth between which one is the best (that's not a bad problem to have, DC). But with these past couple issues,New Guardianstakes the lead. Read Full Review
This is a really good issue, besides the fact that I would read a comic with Kyle Rayner just being powerful and kicking ass, this issue was just a joy to read. We're shown the actual might of the God Killers, who may be one of the fiercest foes that Kyle has ever faced, and we finally begin the evolution of Kyle Rayner's abilities since he survived the source wall. This is such a fun issue, and the Templar Guardians were so badass, I may even start calling the Templar Guardians, the actual Guardians which is big deal for me because I never thought I would. Go check it out, and see what all my fuss is about. Read Full Review
A very satisfying story with some good graphics make this an enjoyable book. Read Full Review
Justin Jordan has been delivering some interesting themes along with some great stories since his takeover of this book. This arc was continuing that trend, but the resolution of the theme wasn't as strong as it could have been. Read Full Review
This is a decent issue of New Guardians. After a few months of build-up, we finally have asked the question " just what has become? It's a shame that it has taken this long to get to this point, but it looks like New Guardians is about to find some momentum again. Read Full Review
The issue itself provided a solid conclusion to this arc, Walker and Jordan continue to push the idea of what Kyle Rayner's role is heading forward. Nice character moments from both Carol and two of the New Guardians, combine all this with the epilogue showing that the God Killers are far from done and you a well presented issue. Read Full Review
At the end of the day Green Lantern: New Guardians #30 is a good if slightly average issue that suffers from the lack of any sort of satisfying closure to what has been a promising story. While there are a couple of moments which provide some emotional resonance they pale in comparison to what might have been. Three out of five lanterns. Read Full Review
As a whole, this was a decent story, without much of a conclusion. Kyle has put the battle on pause, but in doing so, has set up future foes left and right. The pacing of this story was a bit inconsistent, but it looks like we are finally heading in the direction weve all been wanting. Its time for Kyle to truly inspect himself as the White Lantern. Read Full Review