Green Lantern: New Guardians #0

Event\Storyline: Rise of the Third Army Writer: Tony Bedard Artist: Aaron Kuder Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 19, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
6.7Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

A new team forms as Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Star Sapphire Carol Ferris, Saint Walker, Arkillo and Kyle Rayner prepare for war against the Guardians of the Universe!

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Sep 25, 2012

    This is a great hook for new readers and entertaining for the faithful, like me. Never read an issue? Start here! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Kat West AKA Comic Uno Sep 23, 2012

    If you have been following Green Lantern than this series is very new reader friendly, but this issue is not new reader friendly unless you have been reading at least one Green Lantern series. This was a great issue, and I can't wait to add this series on my pull list to get every month. Pick this issue up! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Sep 19, 2012

    Curiously, the #0 month tagline of "New characters introduced. Secret origins unveiled. Mysteries revealed." does not apply to this title in the least. It acts more like a Point One issue in how it reintroduces the main players of the title, catches up to date on the events of the greater Green Lantern universe, and looks forward to what will come in the next story arc. More than a few of the other zero issues have tried to act as a band-aid for pre-New 52 continuity or told an ultimately pointless background story. New Guardians: Green Lantern gets it right by making me excited to buy the next issue. Just please keep Kuder around. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Sep 24, 2012

    Despite some leaps in logic I still liked this issue better than Green Lantern Corps #0.  I'm a little disappointed that we got a continuation of the series rather than perhaps a fleshed out origin for Kyle now that he's no longer the randomly chosen guy who walks out of a bar.  I had hoped that we'd get to see more about why Ganthet chose him and what is in his makeup that makes him the one guy who can channel all of the emotions in the spectrum.  Three out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 24, 2012

    "Green Lantern" New Guardians" #0 confirms that a great deal of the pre-"Flashpoint" Green Lantern continuity is on the record, like Kyle being the "torchbearer" and the Rainbow Corps fighting the Black Lanterns. After all, Carol (as Star Sapphire) and Kyle use the "Green Lantern ring plus one" method to combat and vanquish the risen dead. Otherwise, this is simply just another issue. There're no origins, no explanations of the New Guardians, who they are or why they are banded together. Really, this issue is simply an interlude for this series and a decent pause for Green Lantern readers without really giving new readers much to grab onto. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Brandon Dingess Sep 25, 2012

    In the interest of full disclosure, I'll say that I've not been hot on traditional cape books for the past couple of years, so that may well be coloring my opinion. If you live and breathe the Justice League and its assorted heroes, then you're mileage may vary. Pick it up if you're already invested in Green Lantern generally, or Kyle specifically. Otherwise it's just a whole lot of "meh." Two stars. Read Full Review

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