Green Lantern Corps #17

Writer: Dave Gibbons Artist: Pascal Alixe, Patrick Gleason, Angel Unzueta, Dustin Nguyen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 24, 2007 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 13
7.5Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Sinestro Corps War Part 9: Endgame
One of the Book of Oa's prophecies comes true! The Corps makes a last stand that reveals the reincarnation of one of their fold!

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 24, 2007

    Even with the problems dealing with the various plotpoints happening in tieins and other books, this is still an awesome addition to the SCW. Action packed and a key moment in GL history with Yat becoming Ion make this a Must Read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Oct 26, 2007

    I cant say enough about this epic. Everything has come together perfectly and, as a Green Lantern fan, I cant wait for the ending and everything that follows. Dave Gibbons has done an excellent job handling a wide range of characters and he and Johns compliment each other extremely well. The Sinestro Corps War is changing the status quo for big events and for the DCU; Final Crisis has a lot to live up to. This is one of my two Picks of the Week. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 24, 2007

    If Dave Gibbons' writing doesn't quite compare to Johns' on Green Lantern, that's only because Johns has ascended to some superhuman level of storytelling. Gibbons manages to accomplish quite a bit with a cast of characters I honestly didn't care much for a few months ago. In the same vein, while the large cast of artists don't usurp Ivan Reis' throne, their combined effort is more than enough to get the job done. One complaint that might be lodged against Johns issues is that the full scope of the war isn't well-represented. That's where this series steps in. In this issue we get a wider glimpse of the war for New-Earth, and one fairy major revelation that will obviously affect the Lantern books for a good, long while. I'd say that's well worth your money. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Feb 22, 2013

    This issue couldn't have been easy to draw, as many of Valthoom's scenes are told in complex montages with highly rendered details. Pasarin never muddles the art, and tells a dynamic story that under a lesser artist would have lost cohesion. Like Johns, Tomasi has three months left to do what he does best, tell kick ass stories filled with huge ideas that never lose their humanity. The next creative teams have some large shoes to fill. Read Full Review

  • 6.1
    IGN - Bryan Oct 24, 2007

    This is easily the weakest issue in the crossover so far, as its pages are used primarily to move its players into place for something more interesting to happen later. Collected I'm sure it won't read like such a placeholder, but month-to-month readers will be bored because of the high level of output we've come to expect from this storyline. You might, however, get a laugh out of the suggestion that Mount Rushmore is the center of earth, and therefore the center of the Multiverse. I know I did. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Oct 22, 2007

    I was also really disappointed with the final Kilowog and Arkillo battle. I yearned for a bigger more epic fight like the first round they had on the surface of Mogo. Even with all the fighting this issue felt like more setup than actual story progression. I am not sure what Dave Gibbons could have done with the story to make it feel more robust but it just seemed like he had to bring everything from point A to point B. Not a bad issue overall but the art could have been a lot better. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Oct 30, 2007

    Green Lantern Corps #17 was a solid read. If you are a fan of fast paced and furious action then you will definitely enjoy this title. Even though this title isn't nearly as strong of a read as Green Lantern, I'm glad that DC decided to dedicate Green Lantern Corps to carrying out the mission of making the Sinestro War event actually feel like a true war. Read Full Review

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