Green Lantern #26

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Billy Tan, Rob Hunter Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 4, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 10
6.4Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Still in disarray after the events of LIGHTS OUT, Hal and Kilowog struggle to enforce the Corps new directive against Star Sapphire Nol-Anj! Having revealed a command of the Violet light unlike any the Corps has encountered before, Hal makes an earth-shaking decision. Is his win-at-all-costs attitude exactly the kind of leadership the Corps needs, or is he walking them into their next trap?

  • 9.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Dec 8, 2013

    A readable story that leaves me wanting the stronger lanterns from four months ago with excellent visuals. The final panel teases that a Legion of Super-Heroes race may be causing the latest woes for the Corps. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Dec 4, 2013

    Venditti and Tan continue to impress with their run on GREEN LANTERN. This book has gone through some insane changes since Venditti took over as writer, and frankly, I'm loving what's going on. This more mobile Green Lantern Corps is a very fun idea and I like the execution. The ending is pretty cool and seems like it will lead up to something interesting. The best way to describe the direction of this book is exciting and extremely entertaining. Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Derek Baker Dec 5, 2013

    I spend a massive chunk of my time on social media, promoting this title. Its unbelievably magnificent. If you have ever been interested in superhero comics as a character study, then this is the book for you. If you just want to see Hal punch ugly aliens in the face, well.this book is still for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Dec 4, 2013

    Overall Green Lantern #26 was a space western battle turned riot leading Hal to a potential darker path add in some Combine that with some excellent battle pages and you have yourself a fun issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Dec 5, 2013

    Visually, this is one impressive comic book. Artist Billy Tan spares no expense when it comes to rendering all of the different aliens that make up the Corps, with special note going to Lantern Gorin-Sunn and Lantern Iath. Gorin-Sunn looks like living lava while Iath could be an Ent of the forest. They look totally awesome, but I worry for them should the two partners ever decide to high-five. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Dec 7, 2013

    Though the smaller scale might not be to every taste, this is a solid Green Lantern tale, attractively rendered. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Hero Nuggets - Steve Dec 8, 2013

    While Vendetti's portrayal of Hal is not to my liking, the rest of the book lives up to my standards of a solid comic. There's plenty of action, good art, and a decent story with some moral conflicts. If you've been enjoying the rest of Vendetti's run so far, this one will be no different. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Hero Nuggets - Steve 'Wallboy' Tomei Dec 8, 2013

    While Vendetti's portrayal of Hal is not to my liking, the rest of the book lives up to my standards of a solid comic. There's plenty of action, good art, and a decent story with some moral conflicts. If you've been enjoying the rest of Vendetti's run so far, this one will be no different. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Geeked Out Nation - C Reyes Dec 7, 2013

    The pacing of the book was simple and the story itself was straight forward and the characters actions as well as their morale can be questioned, Venditti and Tan have yet to push the true boundaries of the book, hopefully they will go all out somewhere down the road. So for a wrap-up issue it left much to be desired in the end. But that is expected when your job is to follow up the comic book equivalent of Frank Sinatra on a monthly basis. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 10, 2013

    Sadly I'm not really digging the new direction Green Lantern has been going.  Also I can't get behind the attitude that Hal Jordan has formed since becoming the leader of the Corps.  Everything seems wrong to me, and I need an adult.  I can only hope that the future of policing the emotional spectrum becomes interesting and I can go on enjoying one of my favorite superheroes.  Till then, I'll be screaming at random people on the street about how it used to be. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Jan 1, 2014

    Overall Green Lantern #26 is an average read with some good actions scenes balanced out with the progression of the overarching narrative that Venditti is building.  Three out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Dec 12, 2013

    Things have been hectic for the Green Lantern Corps for a long time, but with all of the events behind it, it seems like there may finally be some stabilization in the status quo. The majority of this issue is solid superhero fun, but there are glimmers of the spark that makes Green Lantern special, so hopefully Robert Venditti is able to mine for those glimmers and bring this title back to where it's supposed to be. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Dec 9, 2013

    Robert Venditti's post-Geoff Johns run has been a worthy successor to the decade-long epic, and "Lights Out" was one of the highlights of the comic book event calendar. However, this fallout issue doesn't quite have the same impact of its immediate predecessor, although the rift it sets up is one that promises to pay off down the track. Read Full Review

  • 4.3
    Nerds On The Rocks - Josh Raj Dec 4, 2013

    Overall, the issue was just filler and doesn't really do much in moving the plot forward on how the Corps are going to be respected and strong again. There needs to be more focus and rebuilding the Green Lantern Corps and gaining the respect of the Universe. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 5, 2013

    Not a terrible book by any means, but Green Lantern #26 isn't the bright spot in the DC lineup that it used to be. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 7, 2013

    I may be entirely wrong about Venditti. Maybe he has a plan in place for everything I've been worrying about, and I just don't see it yet. If that's the case, good. I'll be happy. But if he really thinks the GLC only exists as an extension of Hal Jordan, and if he thinks Hal gets to operate with total impunity across the cosmos, I just don't know if I have any interest in this series anymore. Venditti is raising some pretty uncomfortable questions with his portrayal of Hal and the GLC"but I don't yet know if he's capable of handling the answers. Read Full Review

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