Rise of the Third Army! Earths new Green Lantern battles The Justice League! Meanwhile, The Guardians begin their final step in the destruction of the Lanterns by releasing the first of the Third Army soldiers!
GREEN LANTERN 13 is a great start and introduction to Baz's time as a member of the soon to be disbanded Green Lantern Corps. We get a deeper look into Simon Baz's life and how he's adapting to becoming a Green Lantern. I loved the writing and the art here. Geoff Johns is amazing at reinventing this series and keeping it fresh. I loved the ending, and although I wasn't too keen on how the Third Army looked in issue 0, I feel they are going to bring a lot to the table as an enemy in these upcoming issues. Read Full Review
Doug Mahnke provides the excellent story with what might go down as his best work on Green Lantern thus far. From Sira's icy reception at work to the street car race flashback, Mahnke does it all with superbly detailed pencils that play up the emotional elements of the story. By doing this, the sci-fi elements pop off the page with that much more oomph; namely, the surprisingly horrific scene that shows why the Third Army is something to fear. With both Johns and Mahnke working in perfect harmony, Green Lantern has reached a level of intrigue not seen since the Sinestro Corps War. Read Full Review
Although the overall story doesnt progress much, the characterization of Simon Baz makes this issue worth reading. Issue 13 has me excited for what is to come in this sure-to-be-epic story arc. Read Full Review
At first, I was reluctant to give Simon Baz a chance, simply because I've been used to Hal Jordan as the main star of this title. I still think he should be. However, I can't help but be compelled by the character of Simon Baz, who is shattering all of my expectations and is shaping up to be someone with depth and complexity. This issue gets a 9/10 from me. It teases a lot of exciting stuff to come. Especially that last page. However, I can't give it a perfect 10, due to the Third Army sequence feeling a bit tagged on and out-of-place amidst all of the Simon Baz drama. Maybe it would've worked better as an epilogue or separate backup story. It just sort of interrupted the flow for me. This is only a minor complaint, though. It's still a great issue and a promising introduction to the new Green Lantern. Read Full Review
Sometimes a Johns series feels like it proceeds one hour at a time per issue, but like 24, that one hour sure packs a lot of material. Read Full Review
This issue was pretty good in my opinion. Simon is pretty likable to me, and his sister makes him even more likable because she seems like a sweet and nice character, so you relate to Simon as the regrettable big brother. I liked that we got to see the messages left by Sinestro and Hal, and how different the two are, even when saying similar things. The League popping up here surprised me, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they treat him after Hal's disappearance, Simon just showing up, and whole "terrorist" thing. The next issue should be interesting to say the least. Read Full Review
All in all, Johns has produced another really solid issue of Green Lantern. It has to be remembered that Hal Jordan and Sinestro were no where to be seen in this issue, which makes this feat even more impressive. I really do think that this could possibly be my favourite DC title ( behind Batman ) which is being produced right now. The colours have also been fantastic throughout the whole series, and that does not change in this book either. There is no question that this is also a very pretty book to look at. It is just a great issue from a creative team that you can just tell love being on this book. Read Full Review
The fallout from the moon being blown up and crashing down on Ape City shows no prejudice with it's destructive power. Read Full Review
Liking this, but not loving this. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #13 may not be the first chapter in “Rise of the Third Army” that we were all expecting, but it's an issue that deftly navigates a new character through a crucial time in his experience being a superhero. The manual for this situation has been thrown out the window, so it's up to Baz to figure things out for himself, and that's leading to engrossing, truly interesting stories about a man given a ring and no helping hands. At every turn, Baz is betrayed or hurt, and it's starting to become apparent that his Green Lantern career may be based on this drive to make a stand against the betrayal. Read Full Review
With these two working together, Green Lantern continues to be worth its green Read Full Review
It's nice to say I'm on board to keep reading Green Lantern. At least for the short term. Once Baz is shuffled off to Justice League of America, Jordan will likely slip back in and drag everything back to Sucktown. Read Full Review
I don't think I've enjoyed the introduction of a new Green Lantern this much in a long while. Geoff Johns has given us a believable character in Baz and his struggles to just have a normal life in light of the craziness that's going on around him is a surefire page turner. It's that juxtaposition of the real world with the epic that, like my favorite hero Spider-Man, is a draw in books like this and this issue nails it. Great read! Read Full Review
So the Third Army event has apparently started, but this issue is barely related to the storyline aside from a few more portent-filled pages near the back. If the rest of the issue had been less interesting and full of strong character work, I'd call the issue out on this lack of event material, but when it is this good, I'm in no position to complain. Read Full Review
It's a slow burn, and it doesn't shoot for the moon " yet " but this is also a case of Geoff Johns doing his homework. He's set up just about everything he needs to launch Simon Baz on his troubled path of heroism... except a clear mission statement. By virtue of him being a Green Lantern, we know Simon is worthy, that he will become a force for good, but there's nothing driving him like Hal's theme of "conquer fear" or Kyle's "imagine anything." If Johns can create a strong metaphor for Baz, we'll be on to something amazing. But can even DC's designated hitter come up with that potent kind of magic twice? Read Full Review
It's going to take a little more than interesting social commentary to keep this new Green Lantern relevant. There is a great deal of potential here though, and based on his track record, Johns is most likely up to the task of maxing out Simon Baz's tenure as a GL. Read Full Review
Learning more about the new Green Lantern and that’s good, but I can’t wait to get to the meat & potatoes of this catastrophic event. Read Full Review
It looks like Johns may be opting for the slow building of Baz rather than dropping him right into the middle of a conflict. This seems to indicate that Baz will be here a while, which is fine with me. This issue did a nice job of making me interested in his personal life and wondering where things will go from here. A lot of the material in this issue was already explored in last month's zero issue, so if you didn't like the new direction there, you won't much care for it here. Only hints of greater conflicts are shown this issue. I know I need to be patient, but I'm ready for some action! Simon Baz has all the makings of an interesting character and should be a great addition to the DC mythos. Green Lantern #13 gets an above-average 3.5 stars out of 5. Read Full Review
Green Lantern sits at a crossroads. The series can either come back from it’s lackluster year swinging or it can start becoming a bloated, convoluted mess of lame plots and too many characters. In other words, Green Lantern is dangerously close to becoming DC’s X-Men. Read Full Review
I really liked the art and colors here too. The colors seemed to jump out at me and were handled well. I'm not completely sold on Baz's costume, the mask and fingerless gloves are kind of an odd look for a Lantern. Though I did like that the mask served a purpose, and lets not forget that he is still a criminal. So I guess it's actually a nice touch that Baz would dream up a GL ski mask. Overall this isn't the most stunning GL issue in the New 52 run, but I still liked it. Read Full Review
Green Lantern #13 is another good outing for Geoff Johns and company, although I'll add that the issue would have benefited from some follow up on what's going on with Sinestro and Hal. What I feel like was a little bait and switch reduced my enjoyment of the book to be sure, resulting in the issue getting three out of five lanterns from me. Read Full Review
Yes, there have been plenty of movies/books/television shows that depict the racial profiling and unfair treatment of Arab Americans since the events of September 11, 2001, but this story adds a layer of fantastic comic book science fiction that may or may not come with a "Make It All Better" button. Baz is a real man, in real trouble (some of which he brought upon himself) with a real family who is suffering due to his actions despite their love for him. "Green Lantern" #13 is an entertaining introduction to the man wearing the ring and bearing the name of one of the world's most recognizable heroic brands. All he has to do now is earn it. Read Full Review
All in all, an issue I think as more of a set-up for the larger arc where we will see more of the Army and more of Baz, but it is not a great standalone story. Maybe once we get the full story it will flow better, but it's a tad choppy. Definitely not Johns' best work, but I will be back as the faithful Green Lantern fan I am. Read Full Review