Exiled outside time and space in Paradox's realm, the Scarlet Speedster is confronted by ghosts from his past! Meanwhile, Iris discovers the one person who may help the Flash defeat Paradox-and it's not anyone Barry Allen would ever ask for help! Will they be able to find where-or when-this unlikely ally is hiding before it's too late?
Williamson writes another tremendous issue here, and it is a stunner. The art by Howard Porter is simply awesome. This is a fantastic issue and it is leading to some really amazing things that are ahead. Read Full Review
Williamson has upped the stakes and delivered an excellent issue before what looks like a major final showdown. Read Full Review
The Flash is a smart, exciting book with a creative team that never seems to run out of steam. This Paradox arc is setting up some unexpected character decisions and this issues cliffhanger ensures the biggest surprises are yet to come. Read Full Review
Flash #752 slows down just a hair and gives its protagonist some space to breathe... in Heaven? Things aren't what they seem, but just because the story has swerved into new territory, doesn't mean "Flash Age" should be missed! Read Full Review
Howard Porter enhances the excitement with beautiful visuals that contrast both the paradise Barry is trapped in and the hell he escapes to. The panels are gorgeously detailed and the story has an energy to it that is captured in the art. Read Full Review
Each issue has given Flash fans a banger of a final page and #752 remains no different. Great superhero fare! Read Full Review
This issue felt like filler for the most part, but it ends on such a strong note that you cant help but want to pick up the next chapter. Hopefully, Williamson has something big and exciting planned for the end of the arc, or Paradox is going to turn out to be one of the most disappointing villain debuts in a long time on this title. Read Full Review
A new low for this book is reached as we quickly find the easiest way to undo the cliffhanger we left on in the previous issue. Instead of some brilliantly clever plan, instead our hero simply finds old tech and is able to build exactly what he needs to escape. Basically, Paradox did nothing to actually stop The Flash but instead got him away from the battlefield so that he could regroup instead of taking him out when he had the chance. This issue is lazy and frankly, as a reader, I feel as if my intelligence has been insulted. This is REALLY bad! Read Full Review