In part 7 of the 8-part "Face the Face," the clues come together and the murderer of Gotham City's villains is uncovered--but will it be too late for Harvey Dent? Concluded in BATMAN #654!
Im excited to see how the storyline ends in Batman #654. Robinson has set up an interesting mystery without dumbing down the supporting cast of characters around the worlds greatest detective. Well done! Not to mention, Im pretty sure hes not pulling any cheap shots, meaning I believe hes given us enough hints and ideas about the culprits that once the truth is revealed, I dont think well feel cheated. Read Full Review
Final Thoughts: "You're very cruel." Robinson continues "Face the Face" with a deepening mystery. There have been some revelations, but there is one issue left to tie up the story. Can Robinson do it? Maybe. I'm in for the ride. The art is the best it can be, and I'm really going to miss the team of Kirk and Clarke on the title. Oh well, this story has proven to be good, and this issue is no exception. Read Full Review
All in all, this is a solid, if seemingly short chapter in one of the strongest tales in mainstream Batman continuity at least since Hush. The Jason Bard backup tales are great and deserve as much recognition as they can get. Also, I really couldn't be happier with the characterization of Batman found in these pages. Hopefully future writers of Batman won't be tempted to make him the "dick knight" of the last few years, because this is the Batman I enjoy reading about. Read Full Review
Because of the pacing of this storyline, I have pretty much lost most of my interest in this entire return of Two-Face storyline and who is killing the villains and why they would frame Harvey Dent. Detective Comics #820 was just a very average and ordinary comic book. Hopefully, Robinson can pull it all together in one fantastic ending, but I have my doubts. Right now, I'm just ready for the final issue of this storyline so we can get to the new creative teams for Batman and Detective Comics. Read Full Review
The work of Leonard Kirk suits perfectly with the atmosphere of the comic.Also the back up story of Jason Bard is a pleasant surprise.
First part - 7.5
Second part - 7