Deathstroke #22

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Diogenes Neves, Jason Paz Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 2, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 12
8.4Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

"DEFIANCE" part two! With his new team assembled, Deathstroke takes Team Defiance on their first mission to retake control of a U.S. Embassy held hostage in a small foreign country. But while the team fights for their lives against a mysterious new villain known as the Radiant Man, Slade abandons his team to address some unfinished business with an old friend: Dr. Light!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Aug 3, 2017

    I'm looking forward to seeing how Defiance ultimately plays out. It's a mixture of heroes and villains on this team " with a former villain calling the shots. I hope that in the future we eventually see Defiance work together with either the Justice League or Batman's own team in Gotham. I'm eager to see how the superhero community reacts to a reformed, and now team leader Deathstroke! Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Multiversity Comics - Devon Browning Aug 7, 2017

    "Deathstroke" continues to beeline to the top with stories that keep your eyes glued to the page and art that has you reading it more than once. A run that, without a doubt, everyone should be reading. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Aug 2, 2017

    Big action mixed with quieter thoughtful scenes makes this a winner of an issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Terrence Sage Aug 2, 2017

    Deathstroke's new era has one mission under it's belt and as beginnings go, it's a well done start! Priest can do no wrong with his team of young people and continues to turn over a new leaf and it's a take on Slade I hope to see continued because Priest ushers in the old teachings of Slade Wilson and shifts them to more heroic standards while staying true to getting the job done his way. The art team on Deathstroke is perfect for the title, displaying the characters with their own style and the range of the characters that we get from a police officers, civilians, to an entire team of teens decked in black and white gives the title a bit of everything you could ask for in a political superhero thriller such as this. Deathstroke may have turned over a new leaf as he combats superheroing but his title has maintained a level of consistency that gives this title an impressive track record for being a quality read. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Nerd Church Radio - Ariel DuPey Aug 2, 2017

    Okay, Okay, I like this book, the costumes are still dumb,but the story is pretty good. It's interesting watching a bad man trying to begood. It's a really new take on the hero world; at least for me it is. I hopePriest focuses on the group dynamic more in the next couple issues, becausethese kids are so different I'm excited to see how their relationship with eachother grows. I can see why this book is a fan favorite. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Aug 5, 2017

    Deathstroke is quickly becoming one of my favorite DC titles. It is interesting, the story is often layered very well, and Deathstroke is one of the more fascinating anti-heroes of either of the Big Two. The Defiance team genuinely has me guessing as to where Deathstroke and legendary writer Christopher Priest are going with this. Give this one a read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Aug 2, 2017

    Everyone should be reading this book.  Seeing Deathstroke struggle with his new lifestyle is great and throw in the team building of Defiance and we have a winner.  I's say that Diogenes Neves' art is icing on the cake, but it's so good and such an integral part of the story that I don't want to sound like I'm discounting it at all. Like I said, everybody should be reading this book so get to it! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Aug 2, 2017

    While its still a bit of a drag upon the book having it move from a twice-monthly schedule to a regular monthly book, the book still has plenty of bang for your buck. A fast-paced read, multiple rotating plots and action. Theres not much better you could ask for in a comic. But layered with an intricate plot, the idea of whether people can truly transition from a life of evil to one thats good-ish? Those are questions that truly make it as exciting as it can be. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Blair Marnell Aug 3, 2017

    I wonder how long Priest can keep the semi-heroic Deathstroke and his superhero team together. It's an intriguing turn for the title character, but not one that seems fully sustainable. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    On Comics Ground - Scott Shuken Aug 2, 2017

    That said, the execution exceeded the messy plot. Christopher Priest's scripting abilities shone through in Deathstroke's conversation with Dr. Light. The hap-hazard team up fight with Defiance was appropriately reminiscent of a new Teen Titans team, fumbling through a battle in an amusing fashion. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Aug 8, 2017

    I did not enjoy the part of the story involving the big fight with the light creatures. So many clichs, like the size-changing teammate falling after being hit. The art was good yet the way the story was told visually was disappointing. Read Full Review

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