Death of the New Gods #8
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Death of the New Gods #8

Writer: Jim Starlin Artist: Jim Starlin, Art Thibert Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 23, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 3
5.4Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

The final showdown! Darkseid reveals his master plan, tying directly into events from COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS. Now it's come down to father versus son for the fate of the Fourth World!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Apr 27, 2008

    He awakens where he began, mourning the loss of a generation of heroes and villains he knew so well. And so should we, but never more than if the events of this series don't stick. Maybe it's time for a Fifth World, though Darkseid and Orion live on. Will the new world equal the glory of all that has passed? That's a daunting task. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Apr 27, 2008

    My sexual analogy is relevant because the issue concludes with a merging of the planets of New Genesis and Apokolips into a single planet with a yin-yang motif. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Marx Pyle Apr 27, 2008

    It is sad to see the New Gods die, especially when it happens this way. If you want to fully understand the demise of Darkseid, then you have to check this book out. But don't be surprised if you yell, "No! It can't end like this!" Read Full Review

  • 4.8
    IGN - Dan Phillips Apr 23, 2008

    As if following in the footsteps of the King of Comics himself wasn't a big enough task, Starlin also had to deal with the perpetual interference of Countdown. Anyone who read last week's issue of Countdown should already know not to expect a satisfying conclusion in the pages of this book. If the creators of DC's weekly, yearlong disaster were trying once and for all to prove that they had little idea what they were doing with Countdown, then the fact that the finale of that book came from the pages of this series definitely got their message across. Poor Jim Starlin. First, Tony Bedard revealed the identity of the New Gods' murderer as the Infinity Man in the pages of an otherwise unrelated Birds of Prey issue, and then Starlin himself isn't even allowed to handle his own story's conclusion. Instead, he's left grasping at straws in order to provide a satisfying conclusion, and I think it's safe to say that an extended Darkseid monologue isn't exactly satisfying. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Apr 27, 2008

    And shame on me for wasting my time with this crap. That's it. I'm pretty much done. I'll read Final Crisis (and Batman, out of some misguided loyalty to Morrison), maybe check out some Vertigo titles now and then, and perhaps a Wildstorm book or two, but that's it. DC has done nothing but disappoint me since Identity Crisis, so I really don't see any reason to stick around any more. They can get my money with their hardback reprint collections of books I liked long ago. Read Full Review

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