Martian Manhunter tries to halt Marvin the Martian's determination for world domination. J'onn is conflicted with his own Martian identity as he attempts to stop the hapless, determined Marvin from blowing Earth to bits in order to gain a clear view of Venus. And the bonus Looney Tunes backup story features DC characters written by Jim Fanning with art by John Loter!
This story serves as a one-shot that you can revisit constantly. It even makes you desire to see another encounter between the two down the line. The contrasting ideologies between these two vastly different Martians was a genius approach for grade-A story telling from this collective. Read Full Review
Come on DC! What are you waiting for!?! These need to be the next superhero adaptations! Read Full Review
The two Martians meet in a surprisingly good blend of character work and art, resulting in a piece that hits with all the force of "an Earth-shattering kaboom." Read Full Review
The Martian Manhunter / Marvin the Martian Special #1 is a fun read that offers two very distinct stories that channel their respective universes well. With detailed illustrations and colours that pop, Martian Manhunter / Marvin the Martian Special #1 is definitely a fun read for fans of both these characters! Read Full Review
Marvin the Martian/Martian Manhunterhits that sweet spot between serious and silly. Steve Orlando and Frank Barbiere explore the reasons behind Marvin's cynicism and J'onn's optimism while delivering a pretty fun superhero-meets-Saturday morning cartoon beat 'em up with a clever twist ending that is something Alan Moore would do. They also make Marvin legtimately evil. And Aaron Lopresti and Jerome Moore get the biggest laughs for drawing his tiny self in the DC house style Read Full Review
Aaron Lopresti's art is a homerun on this issue, and he was well-chosen for this assignment. Lopresti is simply terrific throughout, and his storytelling skills make the book even more enjoyable. Read Full Review
For those who were hoping for a more classic Lonnie Toons take there is also an enjoyable backup story that is in the vein of all those classic Marvin the Martin cartoons. It was a smart move covering all the different bases as it showcased different ways they could continue this idea if so desired. Read Full Review
It's a funny special that brings the best of the two Martians together with several great Easter eggs for Looney Tunes fans. Read Full Review
This is an okay issue. It is a fun concept and I'm glad I read it. The art in both stories is cool and I like that both universes were played in. I do think the first story gets a little dull at a certain point but the second story makes it worth reading. I recommend checking this out. Read Full Review
All in all, this issue isn't a bad one, just not one that achieves the full potential of such a goofy concept, instead trying too hard to stay in continuity for the current version of the Martian Manhunter and ending up feeling inconsequential. Martian Manhunter/Marvin The Martian Special #1 is still fun, though, with excellent art in both parts of the tales and a story that's just sort of okay. Read Full Review
Between the inconsistencies in the writing, the failed capturing of Marvin's character and the minor use of Martian Manhunter it was hard to enjoy what is a smart and thoughtful message sparked by an interesting premise that falls flat. If I'd recommend this book for anything, it'd be the backup. Read Full Review
If you are a person who has to have EVERY Martian collectable, grab this, if not, leave it on the shelf! Read Full Review