When a famous Hollywood talent agent is found brutally murdered, suspicion and evidence seem to point to his most famous client, Oscar winning actor Magilla Gorilla. Dick Grayson, already in Tinseltown to meet with said agent, senses something suspicious. Donning his Nightwing costume and joining forces with the simian suspect, he's got one night to prove that this monkey doesn't belong in a cage. Plus, part three of a Secret Squirrel backup story written by J.M. DeMatteis.
Despite the artwork being handled by a round robin of two pencilers and two inkers, it's surprisingly consistent. Methinks this book may have been produced under strict deadline, but that's okay. It works for me. Read Full Review
The best of this week's Hanna-Barbera crossovers, Nightwing/Magilla Gorilla Special #1 is an absurdist Hollywood satire with just the right amount of nonsense and good characterization from both its leads. Read Full Review
The art and coloring are great, the writing snappy and funny, and this issue surprisingly tells a very meaningful story despite the absurdity in the premise. If you're a Nightwing fan, pick up this issue. But just be ready for what comes with the territory of modernized cartoon gorillas in a murder mystery. Read Full Review
Enjoyable, fun to read. Highly recommended to all DC Fans. Read Full Review
Each of these mashups remind us of why we love comics and when you blend characters from different universes, it reminds you of how much you love comics! Read Full Review
On the whole, a solid crime story that would have probably been better served as Nightwing annual as the inclusion of Magilla Gorilla adds nothing to the overall story. The overall score is brought down by the inclusion of the backup but I look forward to whatever Heath Corson works on next. Read Full Review
A fun Nightwing story that manages to find a poignant way of tying in Magilla Gorilla and his cast of characters. Read Full Review
Though it does provide amusement and a few heartfelt moments, this mystery doesnt really elevate the material in this mashup. Read Full Review
This certainly is a one-of-a-kind DC/Hanna-Barbera team-up, but it's unclear if that is a good thing. Read Full Review