"BIONIC BETRAYAL!" Captured and at the mercy of a terrorist cell, Cyborg must escape to prevent a powerful traitor from within S.T.A.R. Labs from using top secret alien technology to invade the Pentagon and unleash a new world war by seizing control of the nation's most powerful nuclear weapons.
Cyborg #7 made a lot of progress for a single issue and lands us right where we need to be for a confrontation Victor was not prepared for. What's so great again about this book is that as action-packed as it is, you aren't allowed to overlook the underlying messages about culture and human rights projected through Cyborg's perspective of the world. Read Full Review
The action packed train-ride of this story arc is quickly coming to an end and I can't wait for the next issue to see how this ends. Read Full Review
This issue of Cyborg really starts getting interesting once we get past a lot of forced backstory at the beginning and with that, I find myself actually looking forward to what we get next and that's something for me because since this arc has felt like it's only been running in place for all these issues, this series hasn't really interested me all that much. Hopefully all that changes now and if the art continues to be as great as it is here, I can start to become a happy Cyborg reader. Read Full Review
Cyborg #7 is an enjoyable read and helps you understand how ultimately alone Victor feels. Throughout the course of this series no matter who he's encountered, for better or worse, he's always been different. The making of Variant changed that for him and made him feel better about himself as well. Read Full Review