Countdown To Infinite Crisis #1
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Countdown To Infinite Crisis #1

Writer: Greg Rucka, Geoff Johns, Judd Winick Artist: Jim Palmiotti, Ed Benes, Michael Bair, Ivan Reis, Phil Jimenez, Jesus Saiz, Ed Benes, Rags Morales Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 30, 2005 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 13
6.2Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Everything you knew about the DC Universe changes and it all begins right here with a prelude issue to the DCU mega-event INFINITE CRISIS! Superstar writers Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka and Judd Winick team with a bevy of artists for a story that alters the very face of the DC Universe for years to come!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 12, 2005

    I am though quite impressed by how seamlessly this issue fits together given each chapter was worked on by a completely different creative team. For the most part the issue holds together quite nicely as all the artists involved bring a highly detailed style to the book that serve to deliver a very polished looking product. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Judson Miers Apr 3, 2005

    Overall, the storyline is intriguing and has gotten my attention like the recent Superman arc has. The artwork is also of the same level as Marvel. (In the past, DCs artwork has been rather static compared with Marvels artwork.) I dont know that I would let my kids read this issue (definitely PG-13), but after the debacle with Spidey and JMS, I may have to switch companies to the DCU Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Apr 3, 2005

    Hey, somebody had to say it. This comic was great, but the crossover could still suck. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Apr 3, 2005

    Still, Teds friendship with Booster is sensitively portrayed, and by the time we get to the gorgeous spy drama of final chapter (where Jiminez hints even more than the story at compelling new directions for O.M.A.C.), the tension is riding high. The burgeoning society of super-villains has promise for the DC universe as well, though if the price is going to be the deaths of all supporting characters, it may not be worth the ride. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Apr 3, 2005

    Its only $1 (I've seen it for 40p in England and sometimes cheaper, as my copy was given away free with my weekly standing order), it features a lot of cameos from DC star characters, and it purports to be hugely important and significant as far as the DC universe goes. However, I found it to be dull, repetitive, difficult to follow for a relative newcomer, and hugely anti-climactic. Ill be vaguely interested to see what becomes of the O.M.A.C. project in that miniseries, but Countdown to Infinite Crisis has hardly sold me on DCs big crossover event this year. A wasted opportunity. Read Full Review

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