Countdown to Final Crisis #26

Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, Paul Dini Artist: Scott Kolins Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 31, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
6.4User Rating

The Monitors discuss the various actions of the characters in the series so far--and its impact on the Source Wall and the fabric of the multiverse itself! With a crisis looming, the Monitors must decide their next course of action.

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Beard Nov 1, 2007

    Major Tom to Ground Control: send up some more good news like this: advance solicitations for upcoming issues of Countdown tell us that there will be entire blocks of issues by singular sets of creative teams. Swhat I wanted all along. I think its the way to go, and I congratulate DC on this decision. Lets roll! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Dykema Nov 6, 2007

    So the question is this: will I continue to buy Countdown to Final Crisis? I dont think so. I think Ill keep this copy and file it just before Final Crisis in my long boxes so that I can refer to it when needed. Following it from this point on would still commit me to $75 dollars, and thats a hell of a lot for one story. Not to mention the trillions of spin-offs that seem to keep popping up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 31, 2007

    It's like a new beginning for Countdown and appears to be a pretty good jumping on point due to the recap point of view from the Monitors and it read like a completely different book, unlike any other issue of Countdown to date. Give this book another try if you dropped it or held off based on poor reviews. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Nov 1, 2007

    Countdown #26 was very average. If you are a new reader and are looking to jump aboard Countdown at this late juncture then I definitely recommend picking up this issue. However, if you are a regular reader of Countdown then beware. This issue will be a real step back compared the previous five issues that Dini has cranked out on this title. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 31, 2007

    If the writing is only marginally improved this week, at least the art takes a massive leap forward. I never thought I'd champion the arrival of Scott Kolins on a series, but I am. Besides, his style has improved immensely in the last six months or so. The bright, flashy colors and thick, black lines are well-suited for a book that would never be mistaken for taking place in a realistic universe. I just have a feeling I'll be missing Kolins next week. We probably won't have someone of his caliber on art duties until DC decides to change the name of the series to Countdown Until Our Fans Give a Damn or something. Read Full Review

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