Batwing #7

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Dustin Nguyen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 7, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
5.2User Rating

Batwing comes to Gotham City! Batwing and Batman race back to the city hoping to stop the killer Massacre from assassinating the last two members of Africa's lost super-team, The Kingdom! Meanwhile, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin are already on the ground leading the search. Plus: The dark past of the Kingdom is revealed!

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Mar 8, 2012

    Batwing is good reading. So read it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Mar 11, 2012

    We're seven issues into Batwing, and this book still feels as fresh and exciting as ever. Winick is crafting a brilliant origin story for Batwing, and one of the best parts is that it's going at the pace that's right for the story. While many series seem to cap their arcs at six issues - written for the trade - we're still a ways off from Massacre's capture. I really appreciate that the story is getting the space it needs; it makes the whole experience that much better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyZimmer Apr 2, 2012

    The issue was pretty good. Writer Judd Winick certainly hits all the beats. I love his bringing Dick and Damian back together, and showing Batgirls computer expertise in her old Oracle form. While I love all that, I am somewhat estranged at Batwing being in Gotham City. It doesnt feel like his territory but also does not feel what the narrative needs at this point. I feel the Batwing/Massacre struggle should end in Africa. However, what do I know? I am just a humble commentator. Beyond that, the art by Dustin Nguyen is as usual top notch. I find myself missing Ben Oliver a bit but with Nguyen I can never complain. I really think this is a great comic, and I hope the fundamentals of why Gotham City is the final battleground for these two foes comes to the forefront in the next issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Mar 7, 2012

    Dustin Nguyen's art is great. If Marcus To wasn't taking over soon, I'd love to see Dustin stay on the book, I miss him in Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Mar 7, 2012

    What do you all think of the new DC logo that premiered on all DC comics today? We've known it was coming for a while, but now it's a reality. Also, what do you think of the “We Can Be Heroes” advert at the top of every cover? You can donate here or you could just buy something that lets everybody know what a good person you are and then only half of the money goes to the charity if you go here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Poet Mase Mar 7, 2012

    I enjoyed this book, but a stronger focus on Batwing and his relationship to the mystery at hand would have improved the experience. Batwing is, in my estimation, the most populist of the Bat-titles. David Zavimbe is all grit and drive without much of the pedigree and calculated perfection of Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, or even Alfred Pennyworth. By surrendering much of the issue to regulars of the Batman family, the story loses some of its uniqueness, slipping toward the white noise status most often attributed to supporting characters. While the manner in which I've put my concerns with this book into words is, admittedly, a bit overstated and alarmist, I'm hoping that the book's creators can reinstate Batwing as the driving force behind this title sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

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