Batman: Gotham After Midnight #4

Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Kelley Jones Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 27, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

It's the ultimate knock-down, drag-out as Batman fights for his life—and all of Gotham City—against a gargantuan Clayface. But what is the mysterious Midnight up to during their fight—and who will be his next victim? Plus, what happens when Detective April Clarkson's investigations lead her to Bruce Wayne? It's gonna get gory and gruesome in Gotham after midnight!

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Sep 6, 2008

    The mystery of Midnight is a intriguing. His agenda and ties to Bruce Wayne are carefully concealed. The character does look rather strange and frightening. But nothing that Batman hasn't handled about twenty times before. In fact, that is part of the problem with this miniseries: basically, we have a new mystery villain who is manipulating old bat-villains to target Batman--or Bruce Wayne. Doesn't this sound very similar to the whole "Hush" storyline? Or the manga-Batman just a few weeks ago. Or to the "Black Glove" storyline running in the Batman titles right now? Or even to the "Long Halloween" story of not so long ago? With Batman appearing in about nine titles a month, almost every possible story about him has already been told, so the story-tellers end up repeating themselves. Everyone recycles old stories but in this case, the story we are getting is too similar to the ones that ran just a few months back. Perhaps it would be better if an acclaimed writer like Niles would do a s Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Ben Berger Sep 2, 2008

    Part of why I like this series was how different it is. It's possible that Steve Niles is trying to say or do too much with this issue. Either way, the writing feels off. I'm all for Midnight's agenda – it seems like he has a good plan – I just wish we could get a better sense of what it is. Even though I'm left wondering what happened, Gotham After Midnight is still some of the best Batman reading out today. Read Full Review

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