James Gordon takes on Falcones crime army from inside Blackgate!
Batman: Eternal continues to amaze with the developments of this latest arc coming to a sensational climax. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
Of course, the main talking point of the issue is easily the book's final pages. Stephanie Brown has been flitting in and out of the series for a while now, and while it was always assumed she'd be taking back the Spoiler mantle, we've still been waiting for it to actually happen. Well, happen it has, Seeley scripting the scene in a way that fits the story and serves the character well. Batman Eternal has been gaining momentum for a while now, and if the issues to come feature more arcs like this one, we're looking at some good stuff ahead. Read Full Review
Like I said earlier, I enjoyed this issue because of the writing. I loved how all the supporting characters stories were handled by Tim Seeley. I love that a fan favorite in Stephanie Brown finally starting to take a bigger position in this BATMAN ETERNAL arc. I was disappointed by the artwork and I've been disappointed for the last couple of issues and I think it is a problem that can be fixed. However, it still bring the issue down. Ultimately, BATMAN ETERNAL #20 feels like a mid-season of your favorite show on tv. You know how it takes a break, leaving you anticipating for what the rest of the season has. That's what this issue is in my opinion. So I recommend. Read Full Review
This week is another successful installment to this growing story. Some closure hits in this issue, as well as some new points for future issues (the last page!). Batman is going to need all the help he can get! Read Full Review
Tim Seeley does a good job of pushing the Eternal story forward, but It still was my least favorite issue of his. I just didn't have as much fun reading it and the art pulled me out of the issue. The ending was a long time coming cliffhanger that should prove very interesting and will make a bunch of fanboys happy, but overall I can't recommend this issue. Read Full Review
And we close with Stephanie Brown suiting up as the Spoiler to ruin her father's plans herself, since no one else is responding. Read Full Review
I couldn't help but feel like I got cheated out of seeing major confrontations unfold . There were showdowns I had been looking forward to seeing, and it seemed as if every character was robbed of said moment. That's not to say that things aren't adequately wrapped up in a action packed manner, just not quite in the most satisfying way possible. Read Full Review
Overall, the issue was entertaining, and that gives it a higher grade than just being mediocre. I still don't think the stories are all that great, and the writing isn't anything special, but it's a relatively entertaining Batman comic. I liked Batman teaming up with Killer Croc. I liked the reveal of Rex Calabrese. But Batman Eternal still isn't living up to its potential, not by a long shot. Read Full Review
The Bat Family continues to be stretched thin across the world in an issue that does nothing to address the series' weaknesses. Because of the need to address the many irons in the fire, scripter Tim Seeley has to over-explain, which means his usual strong dialogue is buried under lines like "Liquid nitrogen canister from the basement where they held those owl zombies." Read Full Review
"Batman Eternal" #20 is a comic that is all right when everything evens out, but it should have been great instead. I'm not sure why the art came across so much more jumbled than last week, but in the end it just doesn't come together. In a weekly series, this sort of event is going to happen from time to time; here's hoping it's a while before the visuals fall down on the job again. Read Full Review