Grayson, Red Hood, Red Robin and Harper Row have uncovered the full scope of Mothers dangerous operation, and theyre ready to spring their trap! But theres one problem: Cassandra Cain has gone rogue, and they may not be able to pull her back from the edge! Theres no time to lose, either, because for every mystery they solve about Mother, there are more waiting to be discovered, including Mothers next target, a place that couldnt be more personal to Dick Grayson!
Batman And Robin Eternal #15 is a fun read that is very well executed. No corners are cut here with the writing or the artwork and this is one of my favourite issues in the series so far. Tynion IV and Snyder are crafting a very interesting story that Lanzing and Kelly execute well and Christian Duce and Gabe Eltaeb brought some seriously great art to the table this week. Issue #16 has big shoes to fill and I'm continually more excited about where this team is taking Batman And Robin Eternal. Read Full Review
Tim and Jason return to the forefront of the story with a literal bang in a very enjoyable issue. Read Full Review
This week brought back favorites Red Hood and Red Robin while giving them scenes they can do their best work in. The writing duo ofJackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly brought the laughs along with room for artists Christian Duce and Gabe Eltaeb to depict the action. Something this issue does really well is give one of the most terrifying endings yetRed Hood is in for some series nightmares… Read Full Review
The writing was brought to us by, once again and most likely for the rest of the series, Scott Snyder and James Tynion. As usual these two writers do a phenomenal job of bringing the story of the bats allies to light. Showing us that these guys aren't just sidekicks, they're full-fledged heroes. We can't forget our scripters Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly. These two are responsible for developing our narrative and dialogue which keeps us so delved into this story. Overall, this is a great team and I really hope to see the artists make a return in later issues. Read Full Review
BATMAN & ROBIN ETERNAL is still solid and storywise, this is one of the bigger standouts of the series, giving readers more of a glimpse into Jean-Paul Valley. We get a cool fight sequence and there is a bit more about Mother and Scarecrow's past here. This series continues to be impressive and the best weekly series ever put out. Read Full Review
While I had some problems with this issue, I am still on the Eternal Express. Lanzing and Kelly redeem themselves a bit in my eyes by giving us an issue that was fun and chock full of Azrael goodness. If this continues, I'll forgive them for the shark repellent...maybe. Read Full Review
The first half of this 26 issue series was a lot of mystery unraveling and solidifying the Bat-family. They were in the dark, confused, but now the second half of the series seems to be shaping up as an offensive against Mother both in the present and the past. Read Full Review
Overall, an okay issue. Some interesting action and great art but if you don't get it, you'll be fine. Read Full Review
This is another run of the mill comic, created to do its job. There is nothing to keep people reading, but they will because of the characters. This is unfortunate as the readers (and characters) deserve much better than this series. Read Full Review
Overly wordy, somewhat nonsensical, and with a dash of plagiarism on the side. While I have been enjoying the pairing of Drake and Todd, this issue definitely ranks as my least favorite installment of Batman&Robin Eternal to date. Read Full Review