The Sandman story is brilliant. You've seen the “Dark Knight trapped in an illusion” story a million times now, but I bet you've never seen Adam West's Batman trapped in an illusion! It's exactly what you'd want it to be and personally I thought it was fantastic. The back-up story featuring Batgirl, however isn't quite as fun and is what dropped the score down a tad, but a very, very small tad. Read Full Review
Batman '66 continues to be a ton of fun. Even without the panel transitions, Parker's script is just as entertaining as it had been. Fans of that storytelling will continue to find a lot to love. Read Full Review
The issue also includes the first appearance of Batgirl in a back-up story, featuring some fun art by Colleen Ann Coover, when she takes on the Eartha Kitt Catwoman who attempts to rob the Gotham Museum of the priceless Tiger Topaz. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Batman 66 continues to be an enjoyable read. Jeff Parkers writing captures the attention of his audience through smart, tongue-in-cheek storytelling. An improvement in the art team will only add to the quality of the title. Tune in next week for another adventure. Same Bat-Time. Same Bat-Website. Read Full Review