Gotham’s police headquarters have been besieged by mysterious metal men, and our heroes are put in an unlikely position: as Catwoman’s saviors. And when even Batman’s best efforts falter, John Steed’s trusty umbrella plays a key role in the rescue!
Fun, involving, and snappy, each installment builds on the strengths of the last and continues to move this story forward. While it's too early to tell how involving the plot will be, the spot-on dialogue for both Batman and Avengers properties makes the book an enjoyable read. The genuinely great lines and clever references and fights are just a welcome bonus. Read Full Review
If this issue was here just to show us all thatIan Edginton knows his characters then mission accomplished! I wish that was the case, but the story is pretty thin (Riggs?) and left me wanting a lot more meat to go with the cheese. I am chalking this up as just a down issue in a promising start to this crossover. Read Full Review
I am partial to the Batman '66 series seeing that I am in the target market for the nostalgia that is in the very DNA of the franchise. While I enjoyed seeing Alfred and Aunt Harriet their two panels don't make up for the low quality artwork and the increasingly absurd storyline. Because I don't think expectations are ever very high for the Batman '66 titles I am not going to rate this issue terribly low, but the title doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Read Full Review