After seeing Vril Dox locked up for his crimes against Winn, Kara thinks life in the DEO will get back to normal. Until the zombies attack.
And after a physical attack by Rampage, I look forward to a more mental attack. I hope everyone is talking up this series. This chapter is an energized ride through Kara's mind, compelling and entertaining. Read Full Review
I absolutely love this book. The script works, the story works even if it does feel like a middle, a middle and a middle and the art is gorgeous.Thisis what the Supergirl character should be, fun!DC's darkening of their universe via nu52 may not have been the place for a hopeful character like Supergirl; this is pretty much clear from the outset of her series to the whole Red Lantern fiasco. Hopefully, the Rebirth team will take note of how a Supergirl book should be done. Read Full Review
Sterling Gates puts together a solid enough story here to carry it through and I definitely enjoyed it. But what really made me love it was Emanuela Lupacchino's artwork. Combined with the solid inks from McCarthy and a fantastic round of color work from Hi-Fi that just takes it all to another level, the book simply looks gorgeous through and through. I've liked what we've seen before to be sure with the previous artists, but Lupacchino brings a little something different with her details, the layouts, and just the feminine touch that raises it to another level. Great stuff all around. Read Full Review
This chapter answers the question, "Does Supergirl dream of electric sheep?" Not when some unseen villain is in charge, she doesn't. Story is okay but the art vacillates between very good and not very good, and never really fits the tone of the book as I've come to know it. We're probably going to see Supergirl kick major butt next issue, so if you want to see that, you should probably get this chapter so you're all prepared. And besides, it's the only way you'll find out if Supergirl sleeps in the nude! Read Full Review
A satisfying conclusion for fans of this series. The pace is a bit wonky, and the art doesn't hold up quite enough though, which makes this a tough sell for anyone not invested in the story. Read Full Review