Adventures of Supergirl #2

Writer: Sterling Gates Artist: Bengal Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 10, 2016 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 15
8.0Critic Rating
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Supergirl is desperate to save her sister Alex from certain disaster, but can she stop a helicopter from falling out of the sky while ALSO protecting the humans endangered by an alien the DEO calls Rampage?

  • 10
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Feb 8, 2016

    Another wonderful chapter in the Adventures of Supergirl. More revelations were introduced as the story progresses. Rampage is still on the loose, and it looks like she has a right to be angry at the DEO and Alex. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Feb 9, 2016

    I couldn't help but be reminded of this Byrne panel from his X-Men work, in this issue where the newly formed X-Men infiltrate the Hellfire club. Intentional? Who knows. But effective. No surprise I loved this. The action sequences are great. Kara's internal monologue is great. Alex's characterization is great. But that conversation between the two sisters, the quietest moment of this chapter, was my favorite part. Gates and Bengal are firing on all cylinders! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jun 2, 2016

    Sterling Gates has a winner on his hands and whether you are a fan of Supergirl from the comics or the television show, you will find something to like here.  If you are looking for an all-ages comic book with a great story, characters you can get behind and art that impresses, then you should pick it up as well.  Really, everyone should give the digital or print version of Adventures of Supergirl a try and maybe you will be hooked like me. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Feb 8, 2016

    Adventures of Supergirl continues to be a must-read, day-of release. Comic book fans can look forward to every day of the week for one reason or another, and with the Supergirl show on Monday nights, we already had one reason, but Mondays aren't exactly known as everyone's favorite day of the week. Thankfully (at least every other Monday) Gates and company are giving us a reason to look forward to Mondays, and the cliffhanger of this installment will definitely have you pining for that fortnight to fly by like a certain Kryptonian. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Jon Reyes Feb 8, 2016

    Now us Supergirl fans have something outside of the show to fill our want to spend more time with not only the titular heroine but all of the secondary characters. As the artwork took centerstage the first go-around, Gates' writing did this time, as mentioned. Yet I still feel the need to give the art its due. Adventures of Supergirl is turning into a good read and is really awesome to look at. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 9, 2016

    Now that we're getting into things more on its own and not just trying to introduce the concepts of the series, Adventures of Supergirl is clicking a whole lot better. There's definitely an ease and familiarity to the character that we get from Sterling's writing simply because he gets it and he gets her, just tweaked to this incarnation. Bengal's art is once again a delight, though I'll admit some frustration that we really don't get a lot of great views of Kara's face as she's often turning away or surrounded by so much text so as to be overwhelmed by it. I'm digging his artwork and the layouts in general but it just needs a little more to really drive home Kara, her costume, and the presence that she has. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Feb 8, 2016

    Another bright and lively chapter then, and a wonderful companion piece to the similarly bright and lively CBS television show. While its not necessarily pushing the envelope all that much, at least for the time being, theres no doubt that this series is doing exactly what it set out to do so far. Fans of the show will absolutely love this, although theres still a lot of enjoyment to be had for relative newcomers like myself. Well worth a look, folks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke May 25, 2016

    Hacker-centric storytelling is hard to pull off, but Gates does a good job keeping things interesting in this issue. Supergirl herself is lacking though, as she must fight for page time between two supporting characters, which makes this read like a good non-Supergirl story more than anything else. It's safe to say this series is in good hands every month with tight character driven storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Feb 8, 2016

    Believe me, a lot of content was packed into those ten pages. Followinga largely introductory first chapter, this one certainly didn't waste any time getting to the meat of the story. It's very entertaining and well worth the time of the Maiden of Might's fans. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Feb 8, 2016

    For $0.99 the comic is worth it for fans of the Supergirl television show. Though short, it adds a bunch to the character and continues the fun positive messaging of its small screen counterpart. The first chapter was a good start, bit it's here where it's starting to fly. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Feb 8, 2016

    We get lots morecharacterization in this chapter, and really get a sense for how close Kara andAlex's are as sisters"more than I did on the television show, for what that'sworth. We also get the non-introduction of a character acting as plotconvenience and some questionable choices in facial composition, but overallthis is book is a lot of fun and is definitely worth a buck and ten minutes ofyour time. Give it a look, whether you watch the show or not! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 26, 2016

    "Adventures of Supergirl" #2 is a fun issue, and this tie-in series feels strongly on course. This is a book I would definitely recommend to fans of the show. "Adventures of Supergirl" is a good way to tide viewers over until the show returns, then keep them hooked enough to read some more. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Feb 15, 2016

    This second chapter is a good one, even though it does feel too short. As you get into the action the issue leaves you on a cliffhanger. This issue serves its purpose at highlighting the relationship between the two sisters but you cant help but feel that there should have been more rampaging. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Feb 9, 2016

    The biggest knock on this series is the length of each chapter. Because what you're reading is essentially half a comic book, there's a feeling that things don't really get going. That said, it still works in terms of giving more to fans of the show who might not have interacted with comics before now. The team has a great handle on the tone of the show and translating into something palatable for a new audience. With the support of the show and a lack of messy continuity, I wouldn't be surprised to see this Supergirl overtake the current DCU version as the preferred take on the character. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine Jun 5, 2016

    The art is good despite the artistic clash and I like a lot of the ideas behind the story. However, those ideas are too obvious and spelt out for my taste. It doesn't really continue the story to a place I was interested in and I don't like the characters this issue chooses to focus on. Overall, I would recommend skipping this issue. It's got some merit but is a disappointing experience overall. Read Full Review

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