Legion great Paul Levitz begins his ADVENTURE COMICS run by revisiting the Legion's past in this special story featuring one of Superboy's earliest adventures in the far future!
Kevin Sharpe's interior pencils is perfect for this issue. His style is solid and economical without too much flash, the right feel for an issue like this. I loved this. But I am an old timer. Read Full Review
There seem to have been a lot of Legion stories lately and I'd say this was definitely the best of the ones I've read so far. It's got charm and innocence without feeling like a dated throwback. Now that the focus in this title has shifted to the original Superboy, I hope this team continues to tell stories like this. Read Full Review
All in all, the issue is not nearly as impressive as Levitz' more modern Legion of Super-Heroes relaunch a couple weeks back, but it does offer a pleasant little call back to the days of yore. Whether or not that appeals to you is another matter entirely. Read Full Review
Kevin Sharpes art was good which is almost all I can bring myself to say about it. It effectively conveys the action of the story, and doesnt allow any confusion with characters or flow of action, so I really cant complain. The aesthetic, however, didnt quite hit my sweet spot, so while it accomplished its goal of telling the story in a clear and concise manner, I was left with a feeling of overwhelming ambivalence. But hey, thats better than some. Read Full Review
** Of course, as anyone knows who has read Larry Nivens excellent essay Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex, this task is the PG-rated version of a task that Superboy might have also wanted to travel to the 30th century to complete--with Ph-Phantom Girl? again being the female legionnaire best suited to help him complete it. Read Full Review
I'm hoping with time Sharpe's finer details pick up; he's listed as the artist for the next couple of issues of "Adventure Comics" so clearly it's a "wait and see" proposition. And of course, we do need to see a little more in the way of an actual plot here from Levitz. But as a flashback to yesteryear, it's not bad. But to keep readers coming back, we need something a little more proactively good, and soon. Read Full Review