Action Comics #49

Writer: Aaron Kuder, Greg Pak Artist: Aaron Kuder Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 3, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 12
6.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Savage Dawn continues! Now powered by Kryptonite, Superman is confronted by the first of Vandal Savages children! Its a creature with unrelenting bloodlust and the power to match it!

  • 9.0
    Wednesday Comics - Garrett Walz Feb 6, 2016

    The art inside the book by Kuder and Morey is very detailed on each character's face and they make Vandal Savage look like a master manipulator who you don't want to mess with. The art of Superman with his power's back literally had me cheering because we are one step or should I say an issue closer to having our Superman back. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Feb 8, 2016

    Recent solicits have revealed we're pretty close to the end of the era of depowered Superman, as it seems he'll be back to full strength next issue but this run has had such a great feel for exactly who this character is, even when he's not the hero he wants to be. As a longtime fan of the character it's genuinely beautiful to see writers and artists so fully embrace the idea of Superman as a truly human hero, regardless of the powers he can draw on at any given time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Feb 5, 2016

    The world's greatest superhero has new powers and the solar system's largest planet is becoming more massive. A comic book doesn't get much bigger than that! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown Feb 24, 2016

    “Immortal Combat” is a great read. We finally see Superman with some semblance of his power back and Kuder and Syaf do a great job in showing us that. With everything we've been shown in this series I think what really stands out is Superman's character. This man has had his identity exposed, powers stripped, and he's almost died numerous times since–and he's still Superman. I think that's a testament to not only great writing by Kuder and Pak but to the core of Superman as a character himself. The “Savage Dawn” series is definitely worth the time and the buy– pick it up! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Feb 4, 2016

    This issue has fun moments, but is also weighed down by its crossover obligations. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Feb 4, 2016

    I'm sad to see Pak (and possibly Kuder, although that hasn't been confirmed) is off "Action Comics" after #50; the book has been a joy to read ever since his arrival two years ago, and it would have been nice to see them tackle a repowered Superman once "Savage Dawn" wraps up. Even here, though, it's nice to be reminded what good hands the title's been in since their arrival. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Feb 4, 2016

    It's a week of big continuity changes at DC Comics, but the biggest of the bunch has to be Action Comics #49, which rejuvenates the Man of Steel into something at least resembling his former self. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Feb 3, 2016

    I don't know why Greg Pak is trying to confuse everyone with so little time left in this story. I went from not enjoying this story to being confused as hell by it. I liked the art here, but the overall narrative felt rushed at times and downright silly at others. We all just have to sit tight, close our eyes and think about the better times coming in a few months. My love of Superman needs a rebirth...stat! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Feb 5, 2016

    I know my tone has been snarky here. But I feel like this story rushing to any conclusion is worse than giving me a later but decent conclusion. So much information is dropped in one liners in the last two issues, important plot points suddenly revealed. We have fight scenes that are meaningless, robbing space to give me more exposition or explanation. The earliest stories are sort of invalidated by what Savage is trying to accomplish here. And all that is wrapped up in the angry, punch first, powerless Superman who is beating up shackled prisoners, avoiding his friends, and generally acting unlike the Superman I know. I am sad to see Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder go. Because I bet they had great Superman stories they wanted to tell. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Lido Giovacchini Feb 8, 2016

    There are other bizarre elements that could be nitpicked, like the way Vandal Savages plan to drain the energy from heroes like Adam Strange and Cyborg in order to shoot the moon doesnt even begin to make any sense, but in the end thats all just so much noise. Savage Dawn, as an event, has proven predominately pedestrian and more than a little perfunctory to the task of returning Superman to a level of truly super powers, which is itself a claim given how enjoyable the T-shirt/blue jeans Superman has been since the inception of the New 52 continuity. Its also painfully obvious the only reason Vandal Savage is popping up as a bad guy here is because hes on Legends of Tomorrow and despite being generally tone-deaf, not even DC is that devoid of cross-promotion. Bottom line: this is a not terribly interesting entry in a not terribly interesting event comic that exists for not terribly interesting reasons. Read Full Review

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