Action Comics #893

Writer: Paul Cornell Artist: Sean Chen Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 29, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Lex Luthor is a pro at breaking man's laws, but when he leads a raid on one of Gorilla Grodd's bases and breaks The Law of the Jungle "Don't Mess with Grodd" can he make it out alive? Or will he become Grodd's latest meal?Plus, this issue kicks off an exciting new co-feature starring Jimmy Olsen by up-and-comers Nick Spencer (Existence 3.0, Morning Glories) and R.B. Silva (SECRET SIX)! Get ready for an entirely different look at Metropolis courtesy of Superman's pal!

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Sep 30, 2010

    I picked this issue up knowing how great the Jimmy Olsen backup feature was (after it had been posted on Comixology last week), but was pleasantly surprised to see that the Lex Luthor main story was leaps and bounds ahead of the first (and only) installment I had read a few months back. With clever writing from both Cornell and Spencer, as well as fantastic art from both Chen and Silva, this is a definite "can't miss" comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ross Haralson Oct 3, 2010

    My complaints regarding the story itself, however, are almost completely washed away by Silvas heavily stylized and gorgeous artwork. While I was tempted to dock Action Comics #893 a full bullet due to the treatment of Chloe Sullivan, Silvas exemplary performance easily justifies a more forgiving approach. I look forward to more from this team. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Oct 3, 2010

    While J. Michael Straczynski works full-time to depress and frustrate Man of Steel fans over in Superman, Action Comics is delivering a celebration of the franchise the likes of which were last found during Grant Morrisons work on All-Star Superman. Now, with Spencer on board, its a double shot of entertainment every 28 days. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Miguel Perez Sep 29, 2010

    The new Jimmy Olsen backup is sadly a bit underwhelming, mostly due to all the setup that takes place. Nick Spencer has a knack for writing every day people, but the dialogue and exposition is so heavy handed at times that it's difficult to actually care for Jimmy's situation. With introductions now out of the way, hopefully the real fun can begin. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Oct 1, 2010

    Veteran Sean Chen doea a nice job on art so I didn't miss Pete Woods too much. And I haven't even talked about the Jimmy Olsen back-up, a story so good it warrants its own review. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Oct 2, 2010

    The story includes the long-awaited DC universe debut of Smallvilles Chloe Sullivan, who has a history with Jimmy that fuels the plot. Jimmy, Chloes ex, finds himself in a position to prove himself to her. The result is a really entertaining story, with one of the best approaches to Jimmy Olsen Ive ever read. This is a character that deserves the spotlight of a story. He may not be the sort who can support his own series anymore, but this is the kind of stuff back-up features are made for. R.B. Silvas Jimmy is a bit older than hes been drawn in the past, maybe mid-20s instead of teens or college-age, which is perfectly all right. Its about time he moved forward a little. Its a wonderful complement to the Lex story, and together, these stories make Action Comics one of the best values you can get for your $3.99. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Oct 3, 2010

    Overall, Action Comics #894 should be one of the most interesting issues of the series published since the end of New Krypton. For a series that is plugging along, but not really gaining much steam with Lex Luthor as the lead, it will be a welcome change, whatever the marketing or storytelling reason for bringing in Death may be. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Oct 3, 2010

    The backup strip by Nick Spencer, featuring Jimmy Olsen, is reasonable enough--but equally, its not anything to write home about. In fact, its biggest draw for DC fans (and Superman fans in particular) is its incorporation of a character from the TV show Smallville into official continuity. Combined with the significance of the closing splashpage of Cornells lead story, it makes me wonder whether this issue might be worth snapping up just in case it rises in value as a result of these two historic events of minor importance to the world of DC comics. Read Full Review

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