World of Tanks #1

Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Carlos Ezquerra Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: August 31, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
6.1Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Garth Ennis (Preacher, Hellblazer) joins Carlos Ezquerra (Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog) to create a tense war story inspired by the massively popular (over 110 million players!) online game World of Tanks. An untested British crew inadvertently commands an unconventional Cromwell tank into France while hunted by a hardened German panzer unit.
o Illustrated by comics luminary and cocreator of Judge Dredd Carlos Ezquerra!
o World of Tanks has a global audience of 110 million players!
o The global MMOG phenomenon comes to comics!

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Matthew Strackbein Aug 31, 2016

    So, whether youre fan of these types of comics already, or youre just picking one up for the firsttime, World of Tanks: Roll Out is about as exciting as it gets. As of this firstinstallment we get to know a lot about the soldiers involved and the stakes they are up against.Neither side is safe and everyone is living under constant threat of battle, which, when it finally erupts, doesnt seem containable without a degree ofdevastation. Gaming fans will likely want to play World of Tanks as soon as theyre done reading it. As for the comic book, this is realism at its finest and a sure bet for your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - John Wallace Aug 11, 2016

    World of Tanks: Roll Out! purprised me. Even though the creative team are comics heavy hitters, I thought this would be a pocket liner for them. Its not. Its actually rather good. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Sep 2, 2016

    A lot more fun than I was expecting. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Aug 12, 2016

    So, what you have is a good looking war story, based on a game, where a cynic would say that planes from recent comic books have been substituted for tanks. I am not sure of the purpose of the book; is it to appeal to the players or entice comic book fans to play the fremmium game? If you are a fan of war stories or the game, then the book should appeal, althoughmore for the former rather than the later. I am not convinced that the book will drive an increase of game downloads. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Aug 19, 2016

    Overall when it comes to World of Tanks: Roll Out I have my concerns but at the end of the dayI trust the talent evolved. In this debut issue Enis creates enough of a foundation to make an intriguing story, but do worry this will give us more of the same just with tanks. For some that may be enough to keep reading. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Aug 31, 2016

    Ultimately, I went into this issue not expecting a whole lot, and I came out feeling like I had gotten roughly what I expected. While it may pick up in future issues, this issue just doesn't do enough to suck you in and justify you buying those future issues. If you're a fan of Ennis, maybe you could get some enjoyment out of the series, as it's not awful, just dull. I don't recommend it, however. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Jared Leatzow Aug 29, 2016

    World of Tanks: Roll Out #1 was actually a terrible comic, I pray that it gets better with the next issue. It suffers from a lack of memorable characters, uneven drawing, and a plot that seems to be thinner than any of the Transformers movies. If you like tanks, and them shooting at one another then this might be for you. Otherwise, I say your best bet is to pass on this one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Gizmo Oct 9, 2016

    This feels true to life, these characters could have really existed as far as the reader can tell. Those with a natural interest in WWII will find something to like here, and Ezquerra brings a certain charm to his artwork.

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