Usagi Yojimbo #109

Writer: Stan Sakai Artist: Stan Sakai Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Critic Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
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  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Jan 26, 2008

    As for the artwork, Sakai can really do no wrong when it comes to illustrating his vast array of characters. Each creature has distinctive emotional nuances and ticks that point to a creator with a mastery of cartoon arts. Plus, many of Sakai's style choices are dead solid perfect, such as the expressionistic look he achieves when Jei takes his final vengeance on Senzo, or the fine ending of the issue which looks ahead to the next story arc. As a minion kills a crime boss to "take his place," the panel shows the killer slicing the boss with a knife. However, the illustration looks like this man is cutting his way out of the larger mobster, giving the visual impression that he is being reborn as the new crime boss with this murder. Needless to say, it's this kind of artistic excellence that will always keep me coming back to Usagi Yojimbo month after month. Buy it, already! Read Full Review

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