Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1
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Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Pete Woods Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: December 4, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16
6.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A-listers J. Michael Straczynski and Pete Woods unite for the biggest Terminator story ever! Hopping between the future and the past, this sweeping, twelve-issue epic counts down the end of the Machine War—but not the one fans expect! Everything’s at stake, and the fates of Skynet and John Connor will be told!

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Dec 6, 2013

    One issue in and I guarantee “I'll be back” for part of this series. The action, the mystery, and the cool all here. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Dec 4, 2013

    Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1 is an excellent start to the series and brings a fresh perspective to the franchise as well as providing a bridge to what came before with its explanation for the time-traveling missions in general. The artwork by Pete Woods is solid as always and the action is as intense as the story is engrossing. It's a perfect set up to the series and handles the 4 perspectives over 2 time periods almost flawlessly. This issue is an excellent start to the series and if you've ever enjoyed the Terminator series to some extent then you definitely have to check outTerminator Salvation: The Final Battle. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Sam Roche Dec 4, 2013

    Yeah, worth a shot for sure. A few grievances and shortcomings here and there keep this book from being monumental, but a fun read for any Terminator fans, hardcore or not. The story and pacing make this comic engaging and a great choice to fill that free spot on your pull-list. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - James Anders II Dec 4, 2013

    Anyone who watched the Terminator Salvation movie will recognize a lot of the characters here, but we see them in different capacities and with different things going on that do a wonderful job in setting the tone for this story. I highly recommend it after this reading. Well done guys. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Dec 4, 2013

    Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1 is an extremely solid start to what promises to be an epic worthy of its scope. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Florida Geek Scene - Jesse Scheckner Dec 3, 2013

    The first book in a 12-part series, Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle gets off to a terrifically intriguing start. As long as the series keeps up the momentum it has set forth with the first book it may very well end up being among the best in the franchises illustrated library. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 4, 2013

    With 11 more issues to go, there's plenty of time for Straczynski to build this saga into something grand and unlike the Terminator conflicts we've seen in the past. But for now, The Final Battle recycles too many of the same old elements from the first three movies.There's no point in finishing the saga if you aren't going to do something new with it in the process. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Dec 5, 2013

    Adding to Dark Horse's already attractive stable of licensed and refreshed properties, "Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle" #1 brings a big-name writer together with a big-talent artist to regale readers with new adventures of Skynet and the resistance, the price to be paid for freedom and the effects on the people fighting for it. Straczynski adds depth to the Terminator brand, bringing readers insight and information regarding the early days of the project and the surprising origins of those responsible for the rise of the machines. This is a fine introduction to the new world of the Terminators under the Dark Horse imprint. With a significant body count in the first issue and multiple percolating storylines debuting, "Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle" #1 offers readers a reinvigorated take on a familiar concept and property. The Terminators have been set in motion on the mission; from here things are going to get loud. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Dec 5, 2013

    “Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle ” #1 doesn't add anything new to the franchise but at least tries to be a fun read. It's a decent start but this will mostly please the Terminator fans and make you yearn for James Cameron's installments. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Dec 5, 2013

    You know, for a lead character, I don't think anyone really likes John Connor. I'm not too familiar with theTerminatorfranchise, my adoration for The Ahnald extends pretty much solely toTotal RecallandKindergarten Cop, but I can still recognize that Connor's the main protagonist, not the T-800. Even inTerminator Salvation,which I didn't see but read the Wikipedia page for research, most of the focus seems to go to Sam Witwer's character and I rememberSarah Connor Chroniclesbeing about, well, Sarah Connor. And that weird poster of Summer Glau poster where she was a naked robot torso. So, essentially, John Connor's gotten the short end of the stick in terms of anyone wanting to actually write about him and this trend continues inTerminator Salvation: The Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Culture Mass - Joshua Eubanks Dec 4, 2013

    This new Terminator series lacks excitement as the final battle draws near. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Dec 4, 2013

    As the series has continued, it's gotten farther and farther away from its origins and become bogged down with a focus on human protagonists, fate over personal choice, and showing us a conflict we really never should've seen and maybe that was a mistake. Maybe, at the end of the day, Terminator was only ever meant to be a series about time travelling robots looking through identical names in a phone book. As it stands, Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle isn't the worst thing to come out of the series and seems like a stab at trying to reclaim that original format, but it's still got a long way to go to reach there and really seems hindered by the limits of the film its hitched itself to. Beyond that, Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle is convoluted and unfocused with subpar artwork; not recommended. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Big Comic Page - Gary Kane Dec 3, 2013

    Not a great read by any stretch of the imagination, But if you are a fan and looking for something by way of a little continuity bridging this would appeal to you but I couldn't get excited it just brought nothing new to the table at all really other than incorporating the Kogan character who was rather ancillary in Salvation to begin with. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Dec 4, 2013

    Filled with old ideas churned out again, I expected better of JMS and Peter Woods. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Dec 6, 2013

    Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1 turns out to be a confusing and needless continuation of the Terminator franchise. Too many elements have been seen before and the reintroduction of time travel causes more problems than it's worth. There's also a lot of ambiguity to the issue, probably due to it being twelve parts long. This is likely for hardcore fans only, and even then keep in mind that you'll be dropping near fifty dollars to get the complete tale. Even with the art, I don't think it's worth it. Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1 earns 2 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 3, 2013

    Sometimes all you need is a killer robot. Terminator Salvation: The Final Battle #1 proves that point - there's so much going on in this first issue besides what we actually came to see that it becomes a frustrating exercise to read this book. There is so much untapped potential for the Terminator franchise, as we can see by the numerous sequels that have hit the movie screens, but diverging too much from the central premise can rob this book of its appeal. Here's hoping this first issue was just a temporary glitch. Read Full Review

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