Stuck in the mysterious Upside Down, Will Byers is cold, scared and starving. He uses his last bullet to temporarily drive away the Demogorgon. Drawing on lessons learned from D&D, Will hunts for food and supplies to prepare for whatever lies ahead. After discovering he can affect the lights in his family home, brief excitement turns to terror when he realizes he isn't the only one that wants to break through to the other side.
o Written by award-winning comics veteran Jody Houser (Faith, Orphan Black, Mother Panic).
o Based on Will's unseen journey during season 1 of hit Netflix show Stranger Things.
An essential piece of the Stranger Things mythos that adds an entirely new level of terror to the chilling vision of Hawkins, Indiana! Read Full Review
Stranger Thingsis a must-read for fans of the show as it works to answer questions burning in the hearts of the most dedicated. If you aren't a fan of the show, there is a chance this comic will fall flat for you, despite how well it is crafted, simply based on the way it speaks directly to fans without offering repetitive narrative from the series. Read Full Review
Another good issue in a series that is a must-read for Stranger Things fanatics and casual fans alike. Read Full Review
"Stranger Things" #2 is a creepy ride, but doesn't leave those who don't watch the show of Stranger Things behind. Read Full Review
Its not a horrible read, but for a comic book attached to such a huge project, I for one had higher expectations. However, as I said in the beginning, it just makes sense to have some Stranger Things, no matter the form or quality, at the end of October. Read Full Review
While Will's narrative isn't quite as compelling as what his friends were up to, learning about Will's experiences in the Upside Down and how some of the show's more iconic moments played out from his perspective will appeal to devout fans of the TV show. Read Full Review