This continues to be a good book, but I feel like each issuespends a lot of time explain the world they live in rather than showing me howthe world is. I still really like it and enjoy the story and art, but I'mhoping that with the fourth issue we'll kick off something new and stop livingin the past that created the world. All-in-all though, this is a good damn bookthat you should check out. Again this book is available in print and digitaltoday as Dark Horse goes "day and date" with all of their releases. If youmissed the first two they're worth Read Full Review
I'm still intrigued by the world itself, though, and I plan to stick with it to see if the pace picks up in the next issue and to find out if Orchid ends up with the mask. I want to know if there is some deeper connection between Opal and Orchid, and I want to see Orchid develop into the hero I know she can be. I just wish we could get some glimpses of that side of her along the way. Read Full Review