The artist of Hellboy: Buster Oakley Gets His Wish returns for two-gun vengeance!
Someone is killing off skid row bums and dumping their corpses. The only one who can deliver justice is Hellboy’s favorite gun-blazing vigilante.
The art in this issue is amazing. Not only does it capture the tone of the story, but it really pulls readers right in in thanks to this wonderfully detailed setting. This is a fantastic issue and if you have never before read a Lobster Johnson story, this is an awesome place to become acquainted with this character. Read Full Review
His owner appears to be the old man shown in the first panel as well as his Doctor friend. Lobster has been tracking whoever has been killing people and dumping them in the sewers for some time and the people behind it are these men. The Doctor tries to claim that he's a scientist and attempting to save the world though is unable to even save himself before the wrath of Johnson whose sole purpose is to take down evil. Read Full Review
A nice mystery with plenty of action. Read Full Review
The art is pretty solid. Kevin Nowlans clean art style and noir chiaroscuro lends itself well to the subject matter, characters, and storyline. All and all, this comic delivers with nice artwork, a fun story, and the pretty consistent and appropriate dialogue. Read Full Review
As with most one shots of this nature, it seems like a having a one night stand while really drunk. Sure, it's enjoyable, but the next day you can't remember the majority of the events. And you hope you didn't piss the bed while whatsherface was still sleeping next to you. And you wonder why you're in a dress. It's a little flowery for your taste, and you prefer an elegant evening gown. Uh, what I mean to say is, this comic goes by quick, and leaves little impression, but is still fun. Read Full Review
Again, as we've said before, grading Mignolaverse works is rough, because the floor is so high. Even a sub-par Mignola book is a 6 for just about any other creator. That said, because we also know how great Mignolaverse works can be, it is hard to go much higher than an 8. We're dealing with a very different rubric here and that can make things tricky. Read Full Review
It's Mike Mignola and John Arcudi turning in another swift, pulpy yarn that does what it aims to do " be an in-and-out adventure in the dark, murky side of the law. Kevin Nowlan's artwork is fairly bright and clean for a grubby story like this, but it works perfectly, from palooka to his creepy benefactor to the mad scientist to Lobster's scare tactics. The closeups are fantastic. It's a fun read, and although it's quick, I wouldn't call it light, what with all the shootings. Read Full Review
Bunn and Jones' partnership has been confident since the beginning, but now that their story is coming into full visibility, Jones has been able to stretch and create some truly stunning backdrops and creatures, with Nick Filardi's color palette swelling alongside it. The third issue is brighter, imbued not not necessarily with hope, per se, but with the light of realization, as Rikard has found new purpose and sees the truth of his situation and witnesses the full extent of the conflict he's in the middle of. There's a lot of different directions Helheim could go from here, and most all of them are promising. Read Full Review
Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat is a great read for a rainy day. A self-contained story that requires nothing more than 2 eyes and a noggin'. The book would be a throw-away to anyone else, but the creative team managed to convey a number of powerful themes in just 22 short pages making this book definitely worth a grab. Read Full Review
If you've never picked up a Lobster Johnson comic before, this is the one to start with - not just because it's a wholly accessible and entertaining read, but because of who's been tapped to illustrate this latest adventure. Seeing Kevin Nowlan's work grace a comic book these days is an all-too rare occurrence, and it's even rarer for him to handle all of the art duties solo: cover art, interior linework and, apparently, coloring. His powerfully distinct style is on full display here, and the noir sensibilities of the property play right into Nowlan's wheelhouse. To be honest, while I've always been a fan, I've found Nowlan's art to be a bit stiff at times in the past, but here, he conveys motion and action incredibly well, with an old-school flair and charm. Read Full Review
Mignola-Arcudi could have done some very interesting things with this specific premise, but instead, it feels like they only cared to scratch the surface. Nowlan's art only just boosts the profile of this otherwise somewhat bland one-shot. Read Full Review
Overall, while the dialogue was not particularly poignant, it accomplished the goal of conveying the story, which had a surprising amount of depth for a standalone issue. The artwork was perfect for the genres being worked with here. If youre a fan of Mike Mignola and company you will probably enjoy Satan Smells a Rat. Also remember that there is another two-part Lobster Johnson mini-series coming next! Read Full Review
With things like the end of prohibition and genetically-modified human vegetables afoot, this story of Lobster Johnson (whose name, in a rare yet welcome move, beautifully melds the worlds of crustacean sea-life and male adult film stars) has officially opened up the world for me. I'm not saying this is the ideal place to jump into bed with Mignola, but even this, the 13th part of a series, offers a good enough first bite of Lobster to tempt me for more. Read Full Review