Firelight witches attack Sofia's plane and cause a devastating crash. Now Sofia and Imogen must race to meet up with the rest of the survivors before the Hexenkorps witches kill any survivors that may remain.
Join the original Baltimore writing team of Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden as they continue the horror legacy alongside the stunning art of Bridgit Connell!
Writers Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden continue to carve an amazing new path in their Outerverse world of comics, offering a rewarding read for longtime fans but still making it accessible to those that may have just started their journey. Read Full Review
OverallChristopher Golden and Mike Mignola continue to spin a brilliant story with this adventure. I'm really excited to see how this story will evolve over the next few issues. The two writers have managed to give us some likable characters and some truly awesome villains. I mean how can you not love a good old-fashioned pulp story that gives us Nazi Witches. More of the same, please. Read Full Review
Mignola and Golden offer another exciting chapter in this series. This is a content heavy work that provides new information while maintaining a sense of mystery. It is also interesting to watch this group struggle with both witches and Nazism, knowing the choices they make have an impact on both groups. I look forward to reading more of this series.This issue is engaging and appropriately creepy. Connells detailed artwork is enhanced by the rich color work of Madsen. And the tone is perfectly captured. Each page does an excellent job of enhancing the tale. Read Full Review
This is the perfect opportunity to watch the Outerverse begin to blossom from seeds planted in Baltimore and Joe Golem. Readers have barely scratched the surface of this shared universe but indications are it’s going to be as big and exciting as Hellboy’s universe, and while comparisons are likely as both are the brainchild of Mike Mignola there is so much in here to set it apart from that series. Read Full Review
Mignola and Golden are probably, page for page the most consistent writers around. Their longevity is a success for Dark Horse. The pair utilise the mini-series format perfectly, in both pace and containment. The trick is that they always leaver the reader wanting more. Read Full Review
The characterization and worldbuilding continue to excel, showing strong synergy between scripting and art. Although we've been slightly spoiled about the series's big reveal, we're certainly excited for more of Sofia and Imogen. Read Full Review