In the days following the events of Halo 4, the Master Chief faced one of his greatest challenges. Halo® lead writer Brian Reed (Amazing Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel) takes the Master Chief from the fires of Halo 4 to the pages of Escalation in "The Next 72 Hours" Part 2!
o From Halo lead writer and comics veteran Brian Reed!
o An essential addition to the Halo canon!
o The Halo franchise has sales eclipsing $3 billion over its lifetime!
In the end, Halo: Escalation #9 is on the right path that the Halo Universe should be taking. Brian Reed continues to appeal to Halo fans and understands how to tell this story without losing you in the chaos. If you're a new reader and feel lost, honestly this probably just isn't the right title for you. Someone can't expect you to know the lore, but they also can't be expected to hold your hand through this story. There's an attempt to give us the best of both world, and you just have to be invested enough to go along for the ride. Read Full Review
Halo: Escalation is still moving right along at its rather nice ESCALATINGplace. And according to the Dark Horse website, next month's issue won't be the last of the series, even though this arc will come to a close. It's still a good day to be a Halo fan. Read Full Review
They are also the people who will know that Brian Reed has nailed the voices of each of the Spartans. Even though there isn't much dialogue, he gets the characterizations down almost perfectly. I do wish that there was more dialogue, however, because it would allow for some substantial character growth, and possibly plot progression. Most of the dialogue in this issue is exposition on the part of the monitor, Static Carillon. Sure, seeing a monitor talk is pretty cool, and what it's saying isn't exactly disinteresting. I just feel that the page space could have been better used developing the book's lead cast. New readers won't have the benefit of having read all the novels concerning these characters, and so they may come across as stale and boring to new readers attempting to break into the world of Halo's lore. Read Full Review
Dark Horse's new Halo series didn't get off to a great start in its first story arc. But things have certainly turned around for Escalation in recent issues. Now that it revolves directly around Master Chief and the Didact in the aftermath of Halo 4, Escalation is both more relevant and more exciting that it's ever been. Read Full Review