The fear of being buried alive is presented in two horrifying Poe adaptations by Eisner Hall of Fame inductee Richard Corben—“The Premature Burial” and “The Cask of Amontillado.”
The subtle hysteria that Poes work creates in the readers nervous system is alarmingly delightful. Being buried alive is a horrendous thoughtadd to that Poes charming storytelling and Corbens swift adaptation plus finely tuned art and youve got the makings of a genuinely frightening comic book. Read Full Review
Since I cannot easily find any copies of the Old illustrated Classics easily, these books are great examples of illustrated classic fiction, and would thrive in the hands of young readers who dont quite want to read novels. Luckily, talents like Richard Corben are on hand to bring an audience to a few of Edgar Allen Poes stories. Read Full Review
But it is still Richard Corben. That means that the art is still bea Read Full Review
The fear of being buried alive is a tale which attracts readers because it asks us to be put in the place of the dead. To empathize with how alone and trapped they must feel. So, if you dare, pull a blanket over your head, light up a flashlight and try not to make a sound when you pick up Edgar Allen Poe's: The Premature Burial by Image next week. Read Full Review
Edgar Allan Poes The Premature Burial is an enjoyable read. If you like dark tales with a creative twist, this comic is for you. Read Full Review
Reading this really took me back to when I was a kid watching late night horror films from Hammer or even cheesy, but still creepy movies from Elvira's repertoire of shlock. I've always enjoyed these wonderful one-shots and I look forward to more. Read Full Review
The second short story Corben remakes in this issue is, Cask of Amontillado. I don't have as many reservations about this version, but again I didn't feel the horror. The characters just didn't convince me of their fear. Maybe it was a combination of the storytelling and illustrations that just didn't do it for me. Read Full Review