Dark Horse Presents #1
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Dark Horse Presents #1

8.2Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Geof Darrow and Frank Miller’s Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot returns in this new volume of the award-winning, long-running anthology powerhouse Dark Horse Presents! Also in the 48-page tome of awesome comics: Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse’s Resident Alien, Brendan McCarthy’s Dream Gang, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Andy Kuhn’s Wrestling with Demons, Damon Gentry and Aaron Conley’s Sabertooth Swordsman, and David Mack’s Kabuki!

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Aug 21, 2014

    There you have it. I didn't expect to break down the entire issue, but I also didn't want to leave anyone out. Overall it was an entertaining read and filled with creators that I wanted to see more of. I liked the mix and hopefully with the shorter format Dark Horse can keep each issue this tight and fantastic. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 20, 2014

    There's a lot to read in this new #1 for Dark Horse Presents, and a great time to hop on board if looking for a reason to give this anthology a chance. Some better than others, and some with the potential to be something good with time to develop the plot. Dark Horse Presents certainly lives up to the reputation. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Sam de Smith Aug 19, 2014

    Like any collected issue, this was always going to have hits and misses. But there's nothing terribly wide of the mark, and there's an awful lot of very impressive efforts in here. Well worth picking up! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Aug 20, 2014

    The basic mission of Dark Horse Presents, at least in this first issue, appears to be the same as Volume 2-give creators a place to do one-shots with established characters to gauge interest and generate material to put out as one-shots. While it might have been nice to see Dark Horse have this new iteration push the envelope by inviting creators new to weekly comics or feature only one or two established characters, this is a series that does what it sets out to do arguably better than any other comics anthology except 2000 AD, and it will always be a welcome sight on the comics shelf, regardless of its format. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Aug 22, 2014

    Surprise, surprise, "Dark Horse Presents" delivers yet again. Mike Richardson is continuing the award-winning work that readers have come to expect from this property. If the teases for next month are any indication, this trend will continue for a while. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 20, 2014

    The original DHP title ran for 15 years and over 150 issues, and has some real star-making turns in it, even if it also gave us Sin City. (*rimshot*) This issue shows a lot of potential, and there are some really engaging moments to be had, as well as a great balance of stories and art-styles throughout the issue. I'm really wanting to read more of 'Resident Alien' and 'Dream Gang' after these cool first chapters, and even interested in more Kabuki, a title that has historically left me cold. In short, Dark Horse Presents #1 shows off Dark Horse's mastery of packaging and assembling these type of books, and reminds me how much I miss really good anthology titles Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Gregory Paul Silber Aug 19, 2014

    It's not perfect, but this new Dark Horse Presents #1 hits more than it misses. Pick it up for the showcase of artistic talent. Read Full Review

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