A brand-new B.P.R.D. story, the beginning of Brian Wood and Kristian Donaldson's The Massive, new Skeleton Key, and the conclusion of Howard Chaykin's Marked Man?
Join the legendary anthology as Dark Horse Presents commemorates the 100th Anniversary of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan with Thomas Yeates, unravels the mysteries surrounding Neal Adams's Blood, Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson's Beasts of Burden returns, and more great comics!
This book is a great package - I need to stop being so cheap and make room in the budget for this one. Read Full Review
Mignola, Wood, and Dorkin's stories make this issue of "Dark Horse Presents" well worth the money. Though anthologies are risky, they also offer an opportunity for every reader to find something that resonates. By picking such quality creative teams, Dark Horse is going about this anthology smartly and they've absolutely converted this reader. Read Full Review
There are of course several other stories in the issue andfrankly I skipped the two that I mentioned last time, yet again. I'm reallydigging this compilation of short stories from Dark Horse and hope that the fansare supporting it with sales. I've already read a few stories from future upand comers and would like to see more. This issue has all the hits for sure, but I don't want to seethis book become the zero issue for everything else the company has going. Evenstill this is a very good issue and the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. Read Full Review
At $7.99, it's really hard to recommend this issue on the strength of The Massive alone, but there are just enough other solid works contained within to justify the price of entry. Read Full Review