Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem #2

Writer: Steve Niles, Matt Santoro Artist: Dave Wachter Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: July 10, 2013 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 2
9.2Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

After rescuing an injured British pilot, the town must protect themselves and their secret from the Nazi occupiers. Using clay and mud from the river, they bring to life a giant monster to destroy those who would harm them.

  • 10
    Newsarama - Forrest C. Helvie Jul 9, 2013

    Overall, I continue to find myself amazed at the evocative artwork and the captivating narrative of human perseverance, even with the assistance of the supernatural. My only criticism is that I realize there is only one issue left to the mini-series, and I would have easily been on board for many more. Given the strength of this story, however, perhaps we'll see more tales of the Golem from Niles and Watchter in the future. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Max Delgado Jul 10, 2013

    Breath of Bones #2 is nearly pitch perfect. Well paced, carefully rendered, and thematically rich. Go get this thing. Now. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Jul 10, 2013

    Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem isn't an action story as it's billed to be, it's an emotional story that just happens to have some action. That's not a bad thing. The two issues prove it's actually a great thing. Things can end in three issues, but with each page you wish there was more. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jul 10, 2013

    Dave Wachter is the main attraction in this series. His dark washed and moody artwork brings this story to brilliant life. From the characters to the landscape to the shadows of a barn that holds the town's last hope against the machine of war. It's stunning; every page, every panel. This is how comics should read. This is a thing of beauty in every sense of the word. The third issue of Breath of Bones can't get here fast enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Jul 9, 2013

    Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem #2 is an easy yet compelling read for any comic book fan. You don't need to put up with issues and issues of back story or exposition, everything you need to know is right there in the flow of the story. Top that with some fantastic art and you have one hell of a three-part mini-series. All I can say is that I cannot wait for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Sean A. Guynes Jul 9, 2013

    Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem #2 has a little bit of something for everybody, and is in general a saga to find yourself happily lost in. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Jul 11, 2013

    An impressive follow-up, “Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem” #2 captures emotion and suspense like you have never seen before. You can tell a lot of heart and soul comes out of the writing and artwork. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - Sam LeBas Jul 12, 2013

    At every turn, "Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem" #2 is a testament to the power of the human spirit. Testing the resolve of these ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances again and again, the this issue finds its heroes resolving to triumph over evil in the smallest, to the most pronounced ways. Refusing to accept the option of cowardice a seemingly small evil, they stay to fight what must to them, evil incarnate. A coming-of-age story, a folktale, an underdog story, a war yarn, and an exploration of faith and goodness opposing wickedness; "Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem" #2 offers something for every reader. Beautifully distilling complex aspects of the human experience to a single story, this issue is profound in both its depth and scope. This is a truly worthwhile story told in a meaningful and strong way. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Andrew Lamb Jul 9, 2013

    As I await the third and final issue of Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem, I have no doubt I will be left wanting a monthly run. But, as with folklore, some of the best stories aren't necessarily the longest. Battling the Third Reich is good versus evil of the highest order and, along with Niles' exceptional miniseries, will never get old. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Culture Mass - Boyd Reynolds Jul 10, 2013

    At the heart of Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem #2 is the notion of faith. What is it about us humans and our innate desire to believe in the illogical? Are Golems real? No. Of course not. That's child's play. Yet, deeper down, I want to believe they are. In Breath of Bones #2, that belief creates the unbelievable, the impossible. But isn't that what faith teaches us? That we have to see, nay"feel, beyond our limits. In all the great stories, isn't it at that moment, the crisis of belief, when we come face to face with the miraculous? Breath of Bones: A Tale of the Golem #2 offers the idea that believing in the impossible is perhaps the only way to thwart the horrific from happening. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    tdten Jul 14, 2013

    I usually avoid mini-series but I had the opportunity to read #1 for free and I loved it. So I bought #2 and will buy #3. This issue was very well done. I love the black and white art, which gives the story a "grounded" feel (if that makes sense). The human element of conflict and debate for the means of survival was well-written and believable. I am excited to finally see Golem in #3.

  • 9.5
    SteelEagle Aug 8, 2013

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