In a frozen camp full of slaughtered agents, two monstrous, long-running characters go head to head in a life-and-death battle!
I knew this story would have to happen, eventually; but I do wish it hadn't. I've gotten attached to the characters of the B.P.R.D. and this one really hurt. I wish the death could have been longer. Then again, it is "Hell on Earth". Read Full Review
Read it if you're a BPRD fan. If you aren't, get your hands on every BPRD TPB you can find because this is comicbook manna and you're missing out on something magnificent. Read Full Review
I have been enjoying these little B.P.R.D. interludes in the Hell on Earth series. I know that Dark Horse is building up for the Big Event that is coming soon and that these stories amount to little more than appetizers. But as an appetizer, The Long Death is completely delicious and utterly filling. Read Full Review
"B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: The Long Death" #3 is probably not the best introduction to the series if you haven't read any of it to date. It's not only the conclusion to a mini-series, but to a story that's been running throughout the comics for years. For those who are familiar with the "B.P.R.D." world, though, I think they'll find "B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: The Long Death" #3 quite satisfying. It's about as good of a conclusion to this little chunk of the "B.P.R.D." universe that we could get. Read Full Review