Could I recommend Cauliflower for Al Jordan? Yes and no. Yes, because it's just fun, plain fun, it takes a small jab at the zombie book and anyone who it tired of the same old crap will enjoy it. Then no, because looking at the price, it costs $4. Four dollars for a short comic isn't worth it to a lot of people, and you'd have to really love it to shell out the cash for it. I'd have to say that will be the biggest downfall for Cauliflower; it's an independent comic with a high sticker price. But if a silly take on a cure of the average zombie interests you, Cauliflower for Al Jordan is a good read, quick, but fun and memorable, it'll stick in your mind. I am leaning more towards the yes. I'd definitely recommend reading this, if you're willing to pay the price, that is. Read Full Review